Message from @Sir Harndes
Discord ID: 601872378066370571
Not new in life, just new in the server
whats up bb
Nothing much lol
Vacations aint shit
feel that i need another one lol
I used to love vacations, now it's just stress but without classes or work
damn son sorry to hear that, i would just try to relax a bit meditate maybe
Ive been trying to do that, but i just get angry at myself lol
I can't focus and that makes me sad because i remember i was able to focus
whats stressing you out so much man, gotta get to the core issue first
i need your advice
i want to get some good knife cuz i can
what you think about this one?
It depends
Do you want a survival knife or a stylish one?
i don't care how shit it looks if it works it dope in my book
Lemme find it just a sec
Well I think I deleted it
@DAnteForneus Ka-bar Becker BK-7 or BK-9 is good for what I use.
Yeah, some of you guys told me not to, and some told me to, but in my specific situation a interests, I'll probably be joining the Marine Corps
@Biohazard6520 this will work i think but this shit is expensive
I need to save up a little before getting them
@Sir Harndes are you suer about that?
This might fuck you up big time
Fuck me up?
What do you mean by that?
@DAnteForneus Well, in my opinion it is better pay for a _quality_ knife and have it for years, rather than buy one that will break, or chip, or not hold an edge.
Do you know much about metal?
Sadly i don't know shit
Only basic stuff i guess
Like they expand in heat and shit
Ah, well simplified explanation is metal is on a spectrum. You want a nice middle area where the blade is soft enough to be able to easily put an edge on it with a hand file, but also not so soft it dosen't hold a proper edge. Also you want the knife to be strong enough so that it will not bend and deform, but at the same time not brittle enough it will snap.
Many cheaper knives will be too brittle or too soft. @DAnteForneus
That is why I say get a more expensive, professional knife and learn to tend to it yourself.