Message from @Bodark Actual
Discord ID: 613437023809699852
Best friend is Panamanian, every time I was at his house his mom would speak in Spanish and he'd talk back in English, hilarious one sided conversation lol
Apparently hes going to wait in the parking garage for me
We'll see
@Foxhound get your machette lol
It's in my car, have to get to that first
I doubt the bitch will show his face
Welp. It was nice knowing you, Toten
F for respects
Here we go. Time to scream Rhodesia if this punk showed up
Nah. Fucker didnt show
When I lived in the city three dudes from the projects building down the street came up to me as I got into my car and asked if I had anything good in there for them
I lifted up my shirt and showed them my glock and said "yeah"
"Yep. Got some lead for y'all*
They bailed
Nice try, homie lol
They eventually found someone who was unarmed
Kicked his ass and stole his car
But it wasn't me
I feel sorry for that guy
Or girl
What's up
how's you all doin
hopefully fine
I'm well
Just got done in the garden outside... much as I love how this weather grows my plants, I'm done with this humidity shit
Time for it to switch up to fall
@ottomagnus fuck this humidity indeed
If ya hate humidity...
come to the *desert*
Nah, gonna move to canada and hunt seals
yeah subarctic to arctic sounds oddly palatable right now lol
**whats good**
Time to go clubbing
*It's been a long time comin' but it finally came
For Bun be to get his mutha fuckin' shot at the game
I put mo' work in than the average trill nigga can put
And I'm a gangsta from my head to my foot, blacker than soot*