Message from @Foxhound
Discord ID: 613887582258069510
That was cringe worthy
ALL CALLSIGNS, standby for new intel
Fox News report confirms the the feds are moving to dismiss the indictment against Jeffrey Epstein in the wake of his assassination
In other words bois, they're sweeping it all under the rug
Of course they are
The Clintons and the Trumps are fucking using their contacts to pull this fat string, I bet
Hell, Trump is probably the one getting them to end the investigation given that he's President
So what then. Justuce is dead
Justice gang rise up, gang gang...idk
That gestapo fear goin hard lmao
Justice is more than dead. We're all huffing its ashes to kill the pain
Ive built a tolerance im not as high
You're both the big gey
here's some fantastic shit
Knew this would happen
The Epstein bullshit
Too many powerful names on the roster
Big shock though for real, we all knew dumb shit would happen
Went to doctors today
Protein in my urine
Sign kidneys are on the way out
Shock? no offense but the fact that this has gone on for decades basically and that celebrities aren't the only ones responsible, but fuckin' POLITICIANS
@Biohazard6520 I feel ya bro, sorry to hear it. Ive only got one decent one
They had their flights cleared through FAA
That alone signifies government interference
@насильственное убийство dude we know. Its fucking bullshit