Message from @wendiko
Discord ID: 615995117647560761
Like damn.... Calm down ...
Having a left-wing ultra racist family is funny af
How many of you actually know team tactics or at least individual tactics to a small scale?
I dunno shit
I'm Always willing to learn bro @wendiko
How do you guys like your eggs? scrambled? over reasy? poached? hard boiled? soft boiled? fried? sunny side up?
I have a small understanding
I I like mine really runny
What sides? I'm making both breakfast hotlinks and patties, hash browns, and fried spam
Tell me you can make spamusubi
O tried once, i fucked up and overcooked the rice 😭
Shiiiit good enough
I'll stick with coffee, a shot of vodka, and a bagel
Some old guy drove by and took a picture of my house
They come for your toes
Get on my fucking level bitch, DHS had a stakeout of my house for 2 weeks
Real shit?
Wife took those boys cookies and coffee
Pir que
Local militia with ties to my militia was making some unapproved ordinance
I hope you have a can cannon and a big dildo or somethin bruh
And uh
All those boys went to prison for nfa shit
So they watched me for awhile because my militia was buddies with theirs
I deliberately stood in the window with line of sight to their vehicle while buckass naked
Yes. yes.
Im loving it