Message from @P I L L A R M A N

Discord ID: 629303931373092874

2019-10-03 13:02:43 UTC  


2019-10-03 13:02:57 UTC

2019-10-03 13:03:02 UTC  

From one of my privates

2019-10-03 13:03:29 UTC  

When people ask me what being an Infantry nco is like

2019-10-03 13:03:31 UTC  

I send them this

2019-10-03 13:05:05 UTC  

I have a story about this specific private @HEARTBREA/K/ from many moons ago

2019-10-03 13:05:18 UTC  

back when i was a wee CPL

2019-10-03 13:05:54 UTC  

I typed this up elsewhere so i'll just copypasta here

2019-10-03 13:05:57 UTC  

this dude from the screenshot
was bitching to me about how he didn't have any pussy
and how he wanted some pussy

2019-10-03 13:06:11 UTC  

so i was like ok pfc lets go get you some pussy
he had just gotten his drivers license the week before
so i tell him lets take his car and drive to barnes and nobles

2019-10-03 13:06:36 UTC  

cause that's where all the non complete whores were around base

2019-10-03 13:06:53 UTC  

and yes i know in retrospect picking up women at barnes and nobles isn't the best look in the world but grunt life is grunt life and you make do
and a nigga wanted some poon

2019-10-03 13:07:09 UTC  

we don't even get off of base
when a cop(not mp he was a contracted civie one) pulls us over for going way over the speed limit
cop asks my private why he was speeding and i tell the cop we're going to barnes and nobles
cop asks private if this is true and why he's going to barnes and nobles
and my private says, and I quote "ah shit goin there to get some pussy, officer"

2019-10-03 13:07:29 UTC  

i'm sitting there like
what the fuck
officer gives this weird look and is like "what"
and then asks the private who is first line is
and then the private is like "oh right here it's cpl pillarman"
and i'm like uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
"we;re going there to get the ranger handbook officer"

2019-10-03 13:07:59 UTC  

i don't say anything else and the officer just looks at the both of us like we're absolute retards
and just is like don't let it happen again and we drive off

2019-10-03 13:08:01 UTC  

I ask the private why the fuck he said that and the private said "soldiers don't lie"

2019-10-03 13:08:12 UTC  

i had no response to him

2019-10-03 13:08:32 UTC  

We get to barnes and nobles and he finds some weirdo ugly chick and tries hitting on her and gets pepper sprayed and starts crying

2019-10-03 13:08:56 UTC  

and then i have to drive him back and we pass by the same cop that pulled us over who gave us this really weird look

2019-10-03 13:08:58 UTC  

after that i called him a retard and told him to go away
God man privates are fuckin wierd

2019-10-03 13:09:09 UTC  

that's the story

2019-10-03 13:09:12 UTC  

fuck boots

2019-10-03 13:10:11 UTC  

and fuck zoomers

2019-10-03 13:11:18 UTC  

You lose your brain in basic or boot camp

2019-10-03 13:11:23 UTC  

no you don't

2019-10-03 13:11:30 UTC  

i did stupid shit but i was never this retarded

2019-10-03 13:11:34 UTC  

It was a joke dude

2019-10-03 13:12:00 UTC  

bruh i gotta deal with 30 iq brainlets on the regular this is just my life now

2019-10-03 13:12:17 UTC  

I met some stupid boots though, I was a stupid boot at one point lol

2019-10-03 13:12:23 UTC  

But god damn

2019-10-03 13:12:25 UTC  

whenever i get a slightly older pri I am so much happier

2019-10-03 13:12:35 UTC  

because i don't have to hold their hands

2019-10-03 13:12:59 UTC  

or babysit them

2019-10-03 13:13:00 UTC  

Thanks that qas glorious to read

2019-10-03 13:13:10 UTC  

i'm sure you have similar stories

2019-10-03 13:13:12 UTC  

boots are boots

2019-10-03 13:13:27 UTC  

Id have to think

2019-10-03 15:01:12 UTC  

Bruh, and I thought I dealt with the lowwest common denominator. But shit dude, I dont envy you

2019-10-03 15:10:20 UTC  
2019-10-03 15:10:35 UTC  

God my sides are in orbit

2019-10-03 15:11:13 UTC  

"Soldiers don't lie" mf has obviously never heard of the sham n skate