Message from @AKAlexei

Discord ID: 648004751853879328

2019-11-24 03:36:08 UTC  

WW 556 got RFLd and is Holed up in NY state

2019-11-24 03:36:14 UTC  

FEDs onnisdoor

2019-11-24 03:36:16 UTC  

we got Bois inbound

2019-11-24 03:36:39 UTC  

(IF all intel so far is acc - he's safe and not taken in, yet)

2019-11-24 03:36:44 UTC  

"The shot heard around the world pt2"

2019-11-24 03:36:47 UTC  

Boi is in my backyard, rounding up the goons

2019-11-24 03:36:55 UTC  

Go dark go

2019-11-24 03:37:00 UTC  

You got a GO code?

2019-11-24 03:37:04 UTC  

Media is being pulled out

2019-11-24 03:37:09 UTC  

Oh boy

2019-11-24 03:37:12 UTC  

raid might be imminent

2019-11-24 03:37:14 UTC  

Shits gonna happe

2019-11-24 03:37:28 UTC  

I hope it goes peacefully.

2019-11-24 03:37:34 UTC  

Everyone stay calm. Media being pulled out may be for several reasons

2019-11-24 03:37:47 UTC  

Media out boog bois in

2019-11-24 03:38:26 UTC  

someone just got arrested a few blocks away unknown if related

2019-11-24 03:39:02 UTC  

i'm talking with another army friend about it and he found out that this boogbro in NY is a former national guardsman

2019-11-24 03:39:05 UTC  

and this was his response

2019-11-24 03:39:07 UTC  

about the snitching

2019-11-24 03:39:08 UTC  

my sides

2019-11-24 03:39:32 UTC  

Most surprise

2019-11-24 03:39:34 UTC  


2019-11-24 03:40:17 UTC  

What's gonna happen when they raid this dude's house

2019-11-24 03:40:19 UTC  

good luck with the boog fellas im off to bed

2019-11-24 03:41:09 UTC  

Rogals getting old hahaha! 10k years does that toca man

2019-11-24 03:41:14 UTC  

Bro fuck that

2019-11-24 03:41:29 UTC  

nah man gotta get up at 5 for work

2019-11-24 03:41:33 UTC  

Yeah I'll be innatrenches tonight if this shit *doesn't* explods

2019-11-24 03:41:42 UTC  

Eeew glad im on night shift

2019-11-24 03:41:45 UTC  

I've heard there are shots

2019-11-24 03:41:48 UTC  

Do we have confirmation

2019-11-24 03:41:52 UTC  


2019-11-24 03:42:05 UTC  

No, media just pulled out. Raid is gonna happen

2019-11-24 03:42:15 UTC  

/pol/ keeps ordering takeout to the dude's address my sides

2019-11-24 03:42:16 UTC  

Swat is on ground

2019-11-24 03:42:28 UTC

2019-11-24 03:42:29 UTC  

Are you on site darkness?

2019-11-24 03:43:16 UTC  

Neg, waiting on my shit State lead to say go. Have my gear ready, it'll take me 2 hrs to get on site

2019-11-24 03:43:38 UTC  

Don't do anything stupid

2019-11-24 03:43:40 UTC  

This isn't it