Message from @Benjamin Henry

Discord ID: 660229306823475210

2019-12-27 16:24:43 UTC  

Not to create a competition or anything xD

2019-12-27 16:25:50 UTC  

Communism actually promoted a lot of scientific racism and this was countered by the west

2019-12-27 16:28:35 UTC  

A good chunk of modern antisemitic beliefs came from socialism for example, which was rooted largely in marxist viewpoints

2019-12-27 16:29:26 UTC  

Hitler on national socialism: "From the camp of bourgeois tradition, it takes national resolve, and from the materialism of the Marxist dogma, living, creative Socialism"

2019-12-27 17:02:04 UTC  

Silly Marx

2019-12-27 18:04:32 UTC  

You can't see the whole, complete act yet. It'll be flawless. People will barely be able to comprehend it

2019-12-27 18:20:58 UTC  


I don't think you have any room to complain about low IQs freindo. We do not have Africans nor Europeans we have *Americans* if you are too dense to grasp the concept please do fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from....

2019-12-27 19:25:04 UTC  

FBI Investigating Alleged Jeffrey Epstein ‘Facilitator’ Ghislaine Maxwell: Report

2019-12-27 19:25:13 UTC  

Oh, good

2019-12-27 19:25:35 UTC  

The FBI will get to the bottom of this business, I'm sure

2019-12-27 20:18:56 UTC  

she'll probably die in a car accident

2019-12-27 20:21:03 UTC  

nothing so sophisticated

2019-12-27 20:21:29 UTC  

she'll turn up dead in the most crime ridden slums of a city she's never visited in her life

2019-12-27 20:22:12 UTC  

these people clearly didn't get to where they are by being clean or subtle

2019-12-27 21:04:47 UTC  

True, everyone saw what happened to Seth Rich

2019-12-27 21:15:33 UTC  

Great interview by Rubin

2019-12-27 21:16:12 UTC  

Islam is nasty business.

2019-12-27 21:16:37 UTC  

Fundamentalism in any form, really

2019-12-27 21:17:07 UTC  

But yeah, Islam especially since it's being given cover by progressivism

2019-12-27 21:58:22 UTC  

That is when Hillary Clint... *FBI Agent turns off the camera. Suicided Squad enters~ Ghislaine is found 24 hours later... Small plane weight lifting car crash suicide*

2019-12-27 22:04:07 UTC  

Just go watch The Siege

2019-12-27 22:07:57 UTC  

No thanks

2019-12-27 22:08:02 UTC  

Don't need my brain to melt

2019-12-27 23:22:31 UTC  

I'll watch this a little later on tonight

2019-12-27 23:40:46 UTC  

So Bloomberg may actually be dooming the Democrats.

2019-12-27 23:41:13 UTC  

Since he is heavily investing on destroying his running mates.

2019-12-27 23:41:27 UTC  

The problem is that he isn't going to get elected.

2019-12-27 23:41:41 UTC  

Almost assuredly so.

2019-12-27 23:42:04 UTC  

So Bloomberg is basically giving Trump free ammo.

2019-12-27 23:43:42 UTC  

the gun situation in VA might flip the state hard red

2019-12-27 23:43:52 UTC  

ty Bloomberg

2019-12-28 00:25:16 UTC  

I don't know about Bloomberg dooming the Dems

2019-12-28 00:25:34 UTC  

I mean, they're just doomed, with or without him

2019-12-28 00:26:04 UTC  

His campaign is weak af

2019-12-28 00:26:41 UTC  

"Vote for me! I'm just like Trump, except, like, you know, totally different!"