Message from @Benjamin Henry

Discord ID: 660277406614945814

2019-12-27 21:15:33 UTC  

Great interview by Rubin

2019-12-27 21:16:12 UTC  

Islam is nasty business.

2019-12-27 21:16:37 UTC  

Fundamentalism in any form, really

2019-12-27 21:17:07 UTC  

But yeah, Islam especially since it's being given cover by progressivism

2019-12-27 21:58:22 UTC  

That is when Hillary Clint... *FBI Agent turns off the camera. Suicided Squad enters~ Ghislaine is found 24 hours later... Small plane weight lifting car crash suicide*

2019-12-27 22:04:07 UTC  

Just go watch The Siege

2019-12-27 22:07:57 UTC  

No thanks

2019-12-27 22:08:02 UTC  

Don't need my brain to melt

2019-12-27 23:22:31 UTC  

I'll watch this a little later on tonight

2019-12-27 23:40:46 UTC  

So Bloomberg may actually be dooming the Democrats.

2019-12-27 23:41:13 UTC  

Since he is heavily investing on destroying his running mates.

2019-12-27 23:41:27 UTC  

The problem is that he isn't going to get elected.

2019-12-27 23:41:41 UTC  

Almost assuredly so.

2019-12-27 23:42:04 UTC  

So Bloomberg is basically giving Trump free ammo.

2019-12-27 23:43:42 UTC  

the gun situation in VA might flip the state hard red

2019-12-27 23:43:52 UTC  

ty Bloomberg

2019-12-28 00:25:16 UTC  

I don't know about Bloomberg dooming the Dems

2019-12-28 00:25:34 UTC  

I mean, they're just doomed, with or without him

2019-12-28 00:26:04 UTC  

His campaign is weak af

2019-12-28 00:26:41 UTC  

"Vote for me! I'm just like Trump, except, like, you know, totally different!"

2019-12-28 00:32:04 UTC  

One of my relatives thinks that the dems would have a chance if Biden was the front runner.
I couldn't help bursting out laughing

2019-12-28 00:33:38 UTC  

His argument was something like "he knows how to run a political campaign"

2019-12-28 00:34:27 UTC  

I did my best to politely tell him "that's part of the problem"

2019-12-28 01:03:06 UTC  

Ty Bloomberg

2019-12-28 02:07:25 UTC  

@ACSD_ TBF, Biden's the least batshit insane Democrat candidate

2019-12-28 02:12:41 UTC  

I’m being serious with this one, and I already know the answer. But if Tom Steyer really believes our democracy is under attack by corporations, why hasn’t he shot himself on live TV yet

2019-12-28 02:22:35 UTC  

@Trainspotting_Vagabond yeah, like... who's that Ukrainian dude who did that?

2019-12-28 02:22:53 UTC  

I remember the video, just can't remember his name

2019-12-28 02:26:34 UTC  

Sorry, he was Croatian. Slobodan Praljak

2019-12-28 02:39:01 UTC  

>be me
>somehow sneak poisoning into the building that I'm being sentenced in
>make speech about how I'm in the right
>judges confused
>drink poison
>judges furious that I got poison past the guards

2019-12-28 02:39:24 UTC  

@Benjamin Henry this is the withering gimp I’m taking about

2019-12-28 03:04:02 UTC  

Yeah, I know

2019-12-28 03:04:11 UTC  

He's the Starbucks dude

2019-12-28 03:05:57 UTC  

He got rich by giving insufferable hipsters a place to write emo poetry on their Macs

2019-12-28 03:45:20 UTC  

at 1.5% sounds about right, though bloomberg is at ~5% and hes just as insufferable

2019-12-28 04:10:35 UTC  

@Benjamin Henry The point is this.

2019-12-28 04:11:24 UTC  

Bloomberg will destroy the Dems candidate before they get into general.

2019-12-28 04:11:56 UTC  

It would be like if Jeb Bush won the nomination after getting assblasted by Trump.

2019-12-28 04:15:13 UTC  

Basically the 2020 Dem Primary is a mirror reflection of 2016 Republican Primary.