Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 661366597893619722

2019-12-30 23:37:40 UTC  

you know, I have never seen someone putting the clap emoji like that that i didn't think looked like a dunce.

2019-12-30 23:38:33 UTC  

also, personally I am very happy that "medical poverty" is an option, we could go back to when even the kings didn't have good medical options if they really wanted.

2019-12-30 23:42:15 UTC  

real đź‘Ź communism đź‘Ź has đź‘Ź never đź‘Ź been đź‘Ź tried đź‘Ź

2019-12-30 23:43:25 UTC  

really hope you are being sarcastic, but what they call "real" can't happen any more then "true anarchy" can be considered a government.

2019-12-30 23:45:17 UTC  

"center left is classical conservative"
I'll see your made up bullshit and raise a heaping hot cup of shut the fuck up

2019-12-30 23:46:15 UTC  

yah, that guy doesn't know what he is talking bout, I would also bet that he is some rich kid or something.

2019-12-30 23:48:50 UTC  

hates his dad so he wants the working class to take his dads business from him and "redistribute" its wealth

2019-12-30 23:49:47 UTC  

uh.... he does know that he would also be killed because his father was a "capitalist" or what ever right?

2019-12-30 23:50:30 UTC  

at least under anything that has gone toward that cryptid they call "real communism"

2019-12-30 23:52:07 UTC  

funny enough, if i wanted to i could play that same "real X has never been tried" in my case "real free markets"

2019-12-30 23:52:35 UTC  

and anytime something went wrong "well that's not a real free market because of the thing that went wrong"

2019-12-30 23:53:09 UTC  

and then the other people would rightly point out "that thing is inherent in the free market"

2019-12-31 00:16:10 UTC  

yes because otherwise they will just go into hideing and let their toxic ideas fester, if they can talk openly about it then
A: you may be able to talk to them and change their minds over time,
and B: keep other people form accepting those toxic ideas because they hear bolth sides in the open.

2019-12-31 00:16:14 UTC  

that's how i see it.

2019-12-31 00:16:45 UTC  

now I watch the thing.

2019-12-31 00:18:29 UTC  

totaly agree and he even made some better points, shame the audio is all one sided and i'm wearing headphones.

2019-12-31 00:22:22 UTC  

Dude is probably just European. Like really every time I hear about a 'far-right' movement or party over there when I look into them they're leftist. Even BoJo. Did you listen to his speech before Parliament when he became PM? HE talked about socialized medicine and better enforcement of *knife laws* to keep his people unarmed. I thought it was the DNC debates. I half expected him to break out in bad Spanish.....

2019-12-31 00:23:45 UTC  

you mean the guy with the tweet?

2019-12-31 00:33:54 UTC  

Yeah. I mean when things are that far left moderates look right....

2019-12-31 00:34:44 UTC  

yah being in the European political area may be part of it, but if I were to guess I would say he is just so far left that even marx thinks he is to far left.

2019-12-31 00:57:45 UTC  

One stifles Nazi speech only because they know the Nazis are right

2019-12-31 00:57:47 UTC  


2019-12-31 00:57:51 UTC  

Least in some regards

2019-12-31 01:17:27 UTC  

For the left sure this is true because they believe so many of the same things. Fascism's intellectual roots are socialist so to argue with them a leftist must argue against core components of their own ideology. But if you're a conservative you can cite Murray who displayed the same cultural decay in the data, using white Americans in the bottom quintile of earnings. Or you've read Sowell who has demonstrated that the decline in black families and the accompanying social ill are not only recent but confined to a subset of the population. For a fascist to say that the product of the nation is for the glory of the nation is one step off of the Marxist idea of production. Of course to the economically literate this is on it's face preposterous.

2019-12-31 02:06:29 UTC  

Show me a young socialist and I'll show you an old Fascist. When socialism fails those who were attracted to it from greed, they double down and fascism is inevitable.

2019-12-31 02:15:32 UTC  

Marxism can be shown to make some assumptions about the nature of human beings that have no basis in objective reality. Of course, the people who support it also tend to support postmodernism so objective reality doesn't exist for them.

2019-12-31 02:24:53 UTC  

*leftists (I see you Joker)

Still no mention from anyone about the fact that a Convicted Felon has a Firearm

2019-12-31 02:25:46 UTC  

wait, there was another church shooting? I thought everyone was talking about the first one

2019-12-31 02:26:12 UTC  

so much for all that relaxing of gun regs in churches

2019-12-31 02:28:06 UTC  

also relevant

2019-12-31 02:34:59 UTC  

On the surface, it appears he was Mentally Unstable because he was acting very strangely; I will be interested to learn if there is an alternate Motive

2019-12-31 02:35:38 UTC  
2019-12-31 02:38:30 UTC  

>wounded islamic state combatant
still waiting for proof of this. so far its still an unidentified teenager

2019-12-31 02:39:17 UTC  

but eitherway, still against established rules of engagement

2019-12-31 02:39:30 UTC  

“This one guy was born and raised here and killed people, therefore, we should let in millions of murders and rapists” “well you couldn’t have built a border wall to keep him out!”

2019-12-31 02:40:35 UTC  

...? how is a war criminal relevent to border policy?

2019-12-31 02:40:55 UTC  

It isn’t

2019-12-31 02:41:08 UTC  

They just want a excuse to preach open borders

2019-12-31 02:54:16 UTC  

Snake was talking about the Church Shooter