Message from @Bill Nye The Soviet Spy

Discord ID: 657688317747265537

2019-12-20 20:45:32 UTC  

Clearly the UK is just too RACISM

2019-12-20 20:45:35 UTC  

according to surveys the really arent any

2019-12-20 20:45:51 UTC  

@system11 r/woosh

2019-12-20 20:49:44 UTC  

We should just get rid of the supreme court

2019-12-20 20:49:58 UTC  

Or at least make it more accountable like in the US

2019-12-20 20:50:32 UTC  

Well we will see, I think Boris is pissed off about what happened so he might

2019-12-20 20:51:31 UTC  

I'm not surprised he is, They made a decision that stopped his prorogation that was arguable made based on political bias instead of actual law

2019-12-20 20:52:26 UTC  

In all honesty I generally think nothing should be above the Crown.

2019-12-20 20:53:18 UTC  

We have a constitutional monarchy for a reason.

2019-12-20 20:53:22 UTC  

Begone with an unaccountable supreme court sounds like a plan

2019-12-20 20:53:53 UTC  

If we're going to have one, it needs to have actual checks and balances with Parl and the Executive

2019-12-20 20:54:22 UTC  


2019-12-20 20:54:36 UTC  

The court of law is for law not political matters

2019-12-20 20:54:54 UTC  

It's treasonous in all honesty

2019-12-20 20:57:00 UTC  

It's stacked with blairites, it takes my biggest issue with the American supreme court which is its political nature and then goes tenfold by giving it effectively no restrictions (At least since the last Gina Miller case)

2019-12-20 20:57:25 UTC  

They're supposed to be impartial then all 11 judges rule in favour of the Remainers

2019-12-20 20:57:43 UTC  

I don't know who is worst blairites or Corbinites

2019-12-20 20:58:07 UTC  

Blairites have more influence and are easily more corrupt

But Corbynites are SUPER insufferable

2019-12-20 20:58:34 UTC  

I just been listening few mins for LBC there currently arguing if Corbyn was way to far left or should go further.

2019-12-20 20:58:50 UTC  

In my interactions with the centrist blairite soughts, they are reasonable and pretty likable people.

Corbynites...are just

2019-12-20 20:59:11 UTC  

I would prefer to chat to Hitler and Stalin for an hour then be stuck in and room with them.

2019-12-20 20:59:16 UTC  


2019-12-20 20:59:29 UTC  

Probably have better morals in all honesty

2019-12-20 20:59:44 UTC  

Tbfh wouldn't surprise me

2019-12-20 21:00:29 UTC  

I'd probably have a more constructive conversation as a Jew with Hitler then I do Corbynites defending Labour's AS

I've gotten just "wrong" "lies" for all of it

2019-12-20 21:02:41 UTC  

i imagine those sort of people aren't representative of the entire labour vote

2019-12-20 21:02:44 UTC  

after all, they were the entrants

2019-12-20 21:02:57 UTC  

Rebuild British empire

2019-12-20 21:05:22 UTC  


It's mostly the hard-core socialists and Corbynista's in the party that I've had that issue with.

Some that I've talked too have been pretty honest about the issues around Corbyn and Labour

2019-12-20 21:05:42 UTC  

they basically weren't in the party from the early 1990s until recently

2019-12-20 21:05:52 UTC  

kinnock and blair booted them out

2019-12-20 21:06:00 UTC  

and took pains to keep those extreme wings out

2019-12-20 21:06:22 UTC  

Probably one of their better decisions tbh

2019-12-20 21:06:41 UTC  

yes, that and going far more centrist and embracing the eu/globalism is what made Blair electable

2019-12-20 21:07:43 UTC  

After what? 18 years? Of Tory rule it made perfect sense that a right wing much more nationalist aimed tory party would be beaten by a strong charmastic candidate from the Centre left

2019-12-20 21:08:54 UTC  

to all Kiwi's in this discord is it ok if we Annex new Zealand

2019-12-20 21:09:21 UTC  

doesn't guarantee the rest of their politicians are healthy positions, lizard

2019-12-20 21:09:31 UTC  

what if they're centre right globalists like theresa may?