Message from @Andrew Popa 2.0

Discord ID: 661358251790696469

2019-12-30 23:57:30 UTC  

I'll let it pass, this time. Rest well. @Sarahdale

2019-12-30 23:57:32 UTC  

Gnight folks

2019-12-30 23:57:40 UTC  


2019-12-30 23:57:40 UTC  

Cheers! @SideTracker

2019-12-30 23:57:41 UTC  

called it

2019-12-30 23:58:03 UTC  


2019-12-30 23:58:23 UTC  

purpose filled people

2019-12-30 23:58:28 UTC  


2019-12-30 23:58:49 UTC  

Fff, it's almost time to get on the next plane..

2019-12-30 23:58:53 UTC  

I dun' wanna.

2019-12-30 23:58:56 UTC  

well, if everyone determines their OWN purpose, you don't get to the moon

2019-12-30 23:59:00 UTC

2019-12-30 23:59:11 UTC  

takes groups of people working together in common purpose

2019-12-30 23:59:36 UTC  

we don't seem to be able to do that

2019-12-30 23:59:51 UTC  

I think there is something to be said at the individual level

2019-12-30 23:59:55 UTC  

even people like Elon Musk are leaders but not so much for building teams

2019-12-31 00:00:22 UTC  

Although the social aspect comes into play for the individual, and that is a chaos variable

2019-12-31 00:00:38 UTC  

insanely humbling

2019-12-31 00:00:52 UTC  

well, men of ability usually become rather reckless without women to focus that energy

2019-12-31 00:01:29 UTC  

It can help, unless it doesn't and when it doesn't- major catastrophe.

2019-12-31 00:01:34 UTC  

Society has rarely seen gender when it came to workplaces

2019-12-31 00:01:36 UTC  

I mean

2019-12-31 00:01:48 UTC  

It all came down to the mindset of the time

2019-12-31 00:01:54 UTC  

well, the married man 'competes' in tasks that push the future forward

2019-12-31 00:02:00 UTC  

"Man does this, woman does that"

2019-12-31 00:02:08 UTC  

the bachelor competes for the next piece of tail

2019-12-31 00:02:25 UTC  

But aside from that the variations were pretty dynamic

2019-12-31 00:02:26 UTC  

exactly, andrew

2019-12-31 00:02:41 UTC  

seperate spheres of influence and responsibility

2019-12-31 00:02:51 UTC  

You would have female factory workers (a ton of them actually) female scientists, etc

2019-12-31 00:03:03 UTC  

and two different sets of rules, one unique to the abilities of that gender

2019-12-31 00:04:09 UTC  

Women were traditionally entrusted to perform the intangible things like watch out for men who pushed themselves for too hard for too long and scorn women who were reckless with their influence or uses if for selfish purposes

2019-12-31 00:04:25 UTC  

Women's intuition?

2019-12-31 00:04:28 UTC  

It's dead.

2019-12-31 00:04:32 UTC  

Some degree of deviation is required, for men, we often defer to our wives, for women, they often defer to their male collogues.

2019-12-31 00:05:01 UTC  

it's not a matter of 'defering' though

2019-12-31 00:05:09 UTC  


2019-12-31 00:05:09 UTC  

it's a matter of specialization

2019-12-31 00:05:17 UTC  

she deals with the morality

2019-12-31 00:05:24 UTC  

Men of great talent get inspired by

2019-12-31 00:05:28 UTC  

he deals with finding a way to do even the impossible