Message from @SoloJones1985

Discord ID: 650637160218755082

2019-11-30 20:24:41 UTC  

and then everyone clapped at his bravery

2019-11-30 21:08:43 UTC  

Probably a repost but idc
As nominally polish I agree with Sargon's notion - this shit makes you feel patriotic lol

PS Meanwhile in the Guardian: we need immigrants not only to staff the NHS but also to protect us from terrorists.

2019-11-30 21:20:06 UTC  

^Weird, it ain't on bitchute

2019-11-30 21:29:49 UTC  

"But yesterday Mr Harri said of Mr Johnson’s remark: ‘I didn’t hear him say it.
‘It’s not the kind of thing he would say, so I think it’s extremely unlikely.’
The ex-communications boss has a different recollection of the conversation with Mr Coleman."
*"So that was a fucking lie."*

2019-11-30 21:30:22 UTC  


2019-11-30 21:30:41 UTC  

It's such a ridiculous and obvious smear that you have to be really deranged to believe it

2019-11-30 21:30:49 UTC  

I struggle to describe just how astoundingly shit that article is; the author needs a flogging for their incompetence.
More photographs than bloody text.

2019-11-30 21:31:15 UTC  

Context, further information, comprehensive information; none of it.

2019-11-30 21:32:59 UTC  

It's not what sells. Most bang for the buck or, in this case, most buck for the work. TikTok is a no. 1 social media app for a reason. No actual content, flashy and loud, repeatable (therefore forming and reinforcing patterns, brains love it)

2019-11-30 21:35:05 UTC  

Not to mention that sensory input, especially visual, causes the most emotional reaction. Descriptions just don't work well in this regard. And reading requires a lot of effort and writers aren't the only lazy ones here :v

2019-11-30 21:35:51 UTC  

Such incompetence, and the fact that people are gullible enough to believe this crap, make my skin crawl.

2019-11-30 21:41:02 UTC  

It is weird indeed, I'm baffled every time I see people believing in something like that, same with weird stories about Trump. It's like someone believed Corbyn flails people for being rich behind closed doors or that Farage has an altar of Adolf Hitler in his office and prays in front of it everyday. There are better reasons for earth being flat and held by giant elephants than for such a ludicrous fucking notion.
On the other hand it may be one of the cases of stuff being so unbelievable you just couldn't make it up

2019-11-30 21:45:09 UTC  

OR those people just live in an environment where people legit act in this way. It would then make sense to attribute this kind of behaviour to public figures because they're kind of familiar so their behaviour has to be as well. Fuck this made me sad. I hope there aren't many people in such circumstances :/

2019-11-30 21:50:27 UTC  

@Tsagaan Mongol To be fair, if we use migrants for protection, as in, we throw migrants at the stabbers, we'll solve several problems at once.

2019-11-30 21:57:03 UTC  

Not if they survive those stabbings. NHS is already in a worse state than in Poland and that's an achievment :v

2019-11-30 21:57:22 UTC  

On the other hand if they bleed out in the waiting room anyway... 😄

2019-12-01 10:00:02 UTC  

Start fight, get ass kicked, play victim

2019-12-01 11:18:11 UTC  

we need to stop google

2019-12-01 13:04:07 UTC  

Sonic boom

2019-12-01 13:04:10 UTC  


2019-12-01 14:22:57 UTC  

that sno boom

2019-12-01 14:23:02 UTC  

itsa space station'

2019-12-01 15:19:16 UTC  

dem aliens

2019-12-01 15:19:20 UTC  

naruko run

2019-12-01 15:58:05 UTC  

@sekacek5000 That title kinds sounds like one of those shady ads. "This search engine is taking Czech republic by storm!"

2019-12-01 15:58:38 UTC  

"You will cum in five seconds"

2019-12-01 15:58:46 UTC  

"Hot singles in your area"

2019-12-01 16:02:46 UTC  

Ecosia donates up to 80% of profit from search ads to partners that plant trees in high-need areas. It takes about 45 searches, or 25 cents, to plant the average tree, Kroll says. The company has more than 8 million active users and has planted more than 75 million trees to date, according to a running count on Ecosia normally sees around 25,000 installs per day, but that spiked to over 250,000 in August as fires raged in the Amazon.

Ecosia is built on top of Microsoft search engine Bing. The company has approached Google “various times” about working together. “They say that they can’t work with a company like us because they claim that Ecosia users would click on advertisements more often than normal users and that would harm the advertiser,”
``` <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-12-01 16:03:27 UTC  

>Google confirms they don't like the environment

2019-12-01 16:04:21 UTC  

this gif is quite ironic, I reckon

2019-12-01 16:21:48 UTC  

I wonder when the SJWs are gonna begin rampaging against the big corps, just like what their ideologies support

2019-12-01 16:57:57 UTC  

Big corps don't give a shit about their customers now days it feels. It's blatantly obvious they do shit like pride month to nab a few extra bucks if at all 🙄. The media giants deliberately destroy someone's financial stability to create "positive" PR. Then they also expect us to buy shallow low effort products and if we don't we're "racist, homophobic, transphobic, white supremist, etc"