Message from @Kinky Kitsune (Coomer)

Discord ID: 651431614144053269

2019-12-03 14:29:31 UTC  

Just like you have more extremist preachers.

2019-12-03 14:29:34 UTC  

super interesting interview

2019-12-03 14:29:36 UTC  

so they become also traditional muslims

2019-12-03 14:29:41 UTC  

he himself is not radical

2019-12-03 14:29:49 UTC  

and unlike christianity islam allows barely any freedom of thought

2019-12-03 14:30:04 UTC  

and is fighting a tremendous battle for de-radicalising fellow muslims

2019-12-03 14:30:21 UTC  

Yea, Tawhidi is pretty good. He's a Shia muslim, most extremists seem to come from Sunni islam.

2019-12-03 14:30:47 UTC  

and obvs sunni and shia hate eachother.

2019-12-03 14:31:19 UTC  

The most efficient means of deradicalisation is being vapourised.

2019-12-03 14:31:53 UTC  

Shia is more moderate. If Iran's leaders weren't such shitheads, the West would have a great muslim ally with Shia's.

2019-12-03 14:32:51 UTC  

Even Lebanon has gotten very liberal over the last couple decades.

2019-12-03 14:34:07 UTC  


2019-12-03 14:34:09 UTC  

I mean

2019-12-03 14:34:21 UTC  

Iran was the shining democratic western jewel of the middle east

2019-12-03 14:34:30 UTC  

right up until islam showed its true nature again

2019-12-03 14:34:33 UTC  

Yea, true.

2019-12-03 14:35:44 UTC  

Like I said, Iran's leadership after the Sha has been extremely defensive.

2019-12-03 14:35:56 UTC  


2019-12-03 14:36:01 UTC  

Not to mention insular.

2019-12-03 14:36:03 UTC  

lol yes

2019-12-03 14:36:39 UTC  

by the Shahanshah can we restore the Sassanid Empire

2019-12-03 14:37:27 UTC  

I don't think most Iranians give a shit about that.

2019-12-03 14:37:39 UTC  

They're all pretty westernized.

2019-12-03 14:37:54 UTC  

All we need is Trump to welcome Iran with open arms.

2019-12-03 14:37:56 UTC  

I mean I have an Iranian in my family and he's very western

2019-12-03 14:38:16 UTC  

he fled Iran because he almsot got executed for drinking alcohol and listening to rock

2019-12-03 14:38:38 UTC  

Yea, I know some Iranians that left for similar reasons. lol

2019-12-03 14:38:40 UTC  

but I dont think welcoming Iran with open arms will help

2019-12-03 14:38:45 UTC  

all it will do is embolden them

2019-12-03 14:38:57 UTC  

not to mention that by doing that you piss off the saudis

2019-12-03 14:39:10 UTC  

Fuck the Saudis

2019-12-03 14:39:20 UTC  

Like I said, Iran would be a better ally.

2019-12-03 14:39:34 UTC  

no, you can't de-radicalize Iran

2019-12-03 14:39:43 UTC  

both are a dictatorship/theocracy

2019-12-03 14:39:44 UTC  

unless extreme force is used

2019-12-03 14:39:56 UTC  

The US chose the wrong Islamic sect as friends.

2019-12-03 14:40:02 UTC  

imo just supporting neither is the best

2019-12-03 14:40:12 UTC  

opening a country and expecting the western influence to modernize them, has been proven not to work

2019-12-03 14:40:15 UTC  

or just wait until saudi arabia ruins the oil market and they descent into poverty

2019-12-03 14:40:24 UTC  

Yea, i agree with that. If supporting neither was the choice, that would be best.

2019-12-03 14:40:29 UTC  

You can "reeducate" islamists