Message from @Kinky Kitsune (Coomer)

Discord ID: 651433399734763540

2019-12-03 14:40:02 UTC  

imo just supporting neither is the best

2019-12-03 14:40:12 UTC  

opening a country and expecting the western influence to modernize them, has been proven not to work

2019-12-03 14:40:15 UTC  

or just wait until saudi arabia ruins the oil market and they descent into poverty

2019-12-03 14:40:24 UTC  

Yea, i agree with that. If supporting neither was the choice, that would be best.

2019-12-03 14:40:29 UTC  

You can "reeducate" islamists

2019-12-03 14:40:30 UTC  

youve got north korea, Russia, China, Emirates, etc examples of it not working

2019-12-03 14:41:10 UTC  

None of those countries leadership really allows it though.

2019-12-03 14:41:12 UTC  

you can reeducate a single muslim, you can't make a regime to change its autoritarian ways, without use of extreme force

2019-12-03 14:41:27 UTC  

Irans leader ship wouldnt either

2019-12-03 14:41:29 UTC  

they hate the west

2019-12-03 14:41:37 UTC  

so do msot iranians

2019-12-03 14:41:54 UTC  

they few who dont either left or pretend they hate the wets to not get executed

2019-12-03 14:42:11 UTC  

If you think about it

2019-12-03 14:42:31 UTC  

the only time, a country was completely changed

2019-12-03 14:42:41 UTC  

was Japan after the 2 A bombs

2019-12-03 14:42:48 UTC  

Westernization and Freemarkets are hard to avoid, but obviously without the leadership stepping down, you won't get 100% of the benefits. You'll have situations like China that benefits from free market as long as everyone pretends that China isn't what China is. We're getting there, though.

2019-12-03 14:42:53 UTC  


2019-12-03 14:42:59 UTC  

Freedom bombs.

2019-12-03 14:43:00 UTC  

the Trauma completely redefined its identity

2019-12-03 14:43:17 UTC  

That or maybe the US rebuilding japan.

2019-12-03 14:43:45 UTC  

@Ryoma Nagare and after they were ruled by an american

2019-12-03 14:43:46 UTC  

and having a permanent base.

2019-12-03 14:43:49 UTC  

i mean surely after something like that rebuilding is to be exected

2019-12-03 14:44:21 UTC  

You think Germany or the Soviets would have rebuilt what they nuked?

2019-12-03 14:45:06 UTC  

I just say that an A bomb in Iran, wouldn't be the worst thing, if you could live with the cost of human life.

2019-12-03 14:45:46 UTC  

Nah, the opposite. The regular Iranian is sold on liberty, freedom and markets.

2019-12-03 14:45:54 UTC  

YOu'd be killing supporters

2019-12-03 14:45:57 UTC  

I feel they've been underused in "modern warfare"

2019-12-03 14:46:07 UTC  

@Ryoma Nagare ok Mac Arthur

2019-12-03 14:46:14 UTC  


2019-12-03 14:46:16 UTC  

calm down

2019-12-03 14:46:18 UTC  

Nukes have lasting effects

2019-12-03 14:46:25 UTC  

Could be why.

2019-12-03 14:46:26 UTC  

especially modern nukes

2019-12-03 14:46:45 UTC  

true, but so do 15 years of limited warfare

2019-12-03 14:47:13 UTC  

If you bomb Tehran with an A bomb, you'll be radiating multiple local countries and shit as well.

2019-12-03 14:47:42 UTC  

What Iran needs is a reason to have deplomatic elections.

2019-12-03 14:48:07 UTC  

The US welcoming them to the world stage in exchange for free elections would go a long way.

2019-12-03 14:48:19 UTC  

I bet they'd take it.

2019-12-03 14:49:28 UTC  

I don't think a well used tactical nuke exploding at the correct altitude, generates that much fallout

2019-12-03 14:49:52 UTC  

but probably yeah , and thats why they haven't been used