Message from @A Friendly Noose

Discord ID: 653705783871275008

2019-12-09 20:14:31 UTC  

At the time, they were looking to secure business integration with the West, literally part of our formal foreign policy objective in Ukraine.

2019-12-09 20:14:41 UTC  

They thought it would render resilience against Moscow influence.

2019-12-09 20:14:45 UTC  

@Xenon Jury's still out on that one. The MSM seems to think both are the case.....

2019-12-09 20:16:44 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck i see it all the time, trump haters call him dumb and then 10 minutes later they are posting all of their articles and links and connecting pins with red string in the mastermind conspiracy plot supposedly born of trumps galaxy brain

2019-12-09 20:16:55 UTC  

It's pretty fucking weird tbh

2019-12-09 20:18:48 UTC  
2019-12-09 20:35:54 UTC  

I was merely condescending the tin-foil hat wearers. While some people interpret Trump to be an idiot, I believe he's a highly calculated individual. In some manners, he is an idiot, as history would evince from his travels to the Soviet Union during the Reagan Admin., only to return home purchasing ads and giving interviews, within which he spouted pro-Soviet propaganda and criticized the Reagan Administration. He also had a penchant for disseminating Russian disinformation throughout the election-cycle, as well many of his campaign associates, but as did the rest of America. It was a daily occurrence in my household, @Xenon.

2019-12-09 20:37:37 UTC  

It was also a daily occurrence among a well-known general, who had previously leaked classified information, discharged for it, and was part of his campaign, who also happened to attend the Russia Today opening-ceremony and sit side-by-side with Mr. Putin.

2019-12-09 20:39:28 UTC  

A number of Americans across this country are under their influence, all across the aisle, though. So, their operations were quite the success in crafting public opinion, platform, and gaining influence over foreign policy.

2019-12-09 20:41:28 UTC  

They, finally, achieved what they never could when the first Cold War was raging on, subverting our foreign policy, allowing them to successfully implement their own. I mean, they had half of America debating on whether or not they even invaded Ukraine, years after it unfolded, a debate that still rages on to this day after Putin got on international television and referred to them as idiots, "of course we're there." Really, hats off.

2019-12-09 20:44:04 UTC  

Notice how I say first Cold War, as we're interlocked now in a second between both the PRC and Federation, which never truly ended, as they've been at war with the values underpinning our nation, as well those abroad, for nearly a century; what many believe is a peacetime we've been raised under is merely an illusion, while we've been engaged in cleaning up the mess of the first Cold War. The bombs will begin dropping the moment Trump is out of office. He's all that stands between what is coming, and Russia won't respond; they're going to get their asses spanked, hard.

2019-12-09 21:01:05 UTC  

The fog of war won't remain forever, just as it didn't during the Cold War. So, any Russians that may be reading this, know we're coming for you, and we're coming hard. We're going to bust a load on every military installation you have, every frontline you've drawn. The bear has licked its last honeycomb.

2019-12-09 21:07:11 UTC  

Africans are literally leaving Africa to come to America. Hows the racism narrative working out?

2019-12-09 21:07:47 UTC  

*Migrants specifically

2019-12-09 21:08:19 UTC  

their narrative is that whitey destroyed africa so its now our duty to accept migrants

2019-12-09 21:08:20 UTC  

who the fuck paid for the boats that gottem there

2019-12-09 21:08:23 UTC  

Maybe they heard they'll give reperations for skin color.

2019-12-09 21:08:49 UTC  

lmao. I guess if you completely ignore history.

2019-12-09 21:13:20 UTC  

Well, I always wondered since they argue legal grounds for reparations against people, such as myself, direct descendants of the slave-owning Founding Fathers, whether or not I had legal grounds to get a refund?

2019-12-09 21:14:39 UTC  

I mean, it seems reasonable. If they have the legal grounds to sue me for reparations, then I should have the legal grounds of getting a refund on the goods.

2019-12-09 21:18:15 UTC  

this plane is going to lesbos

2019-12-09 21:18:57 UTC  

I would argue why reparations weren't pursued earlier. After the civil rights act there is almost 0 reason to not be able to pursue it.

2019-12-09 22:23:47 UTC  

The soy is strong with this one

2019-12-09 22:26:32 UTC  

Would not be surprised if none of them are actually the father

2019-12-09 22:30:13 UTC  

Leave religion out of it!

2019-12-09 22:30:17 UTC  


2019-12-09 22:37:04 UTC  

I'm imagining Jeremy being eviscerated by Ivan somewhere in Siberia during the winter.

Imagine thinking going to war with Russia will achieve anything. It's not the Cold War anymore. Join us in #CurrentYear.

2019-12-09 23:40:26 UTC  

B-but, Russian hackers!

`-sent from huawei`

2019-12-10 00:04:37 UTC  

Good points (good=reasoned)

2019-12-10 00:10:52 UTC  

@Engineered Eldritch Catgirl that video is black pilling but good

2019-12-10 00:11:14 UTC  

Keith woods is another good channel to check out

2019-12-10 00:12:31 UTC  

I wouldn't say black pilled i would say its a wakeup call to stop the globalist shills from destroying our countries... but yeah its pretty damn good

2019-12-10 00:13:49 UTC  

does black pilled mean you turned african?

2019-12-10 00:14:57 UTC  

Do you know Dave Cullen?

2019-12-10 00:15:32 UTC  

Yeah that’s he’s computing forever

2019-12-10 00:15:35 UTC  

He’s good too