Message from @Jeremy

Discord ID: 655059073632567296

2019-12-13 12:10:28 UTC  

Check this out if you liked Paladin's video

2019-12-13 12:15:17 UTC

2019-12-13 12:15:19 UTC  

> was

2019-12-13 12:17:09 UTC  

>Liberal Democrat who didn't actually believe in democracy

2019-12-13 12:34:45 UTC  


2019-12-13 14:18:27 UTC  


2019-12-13 14:18:36 UTC  


2019-12-13 14:21:02 UTC  

I got my M72 LAW ready. 🚀 Here comes Davy Crockett 2.0.

2019-12-13 14:31:23 UTC  

> When 6th graders can access rape porn on their smartphones, school becomes toxic
> No 11-year-old should have to deal with, or even know, about things like this.

2019-12-13 14:31:50 UTC  

It is sad

2019-12-13 14:33:19 UTC  

I don’t want to ban it, because of my ideas on government regulation, but I really dislike the porn industry and if it just wasn’t around in general, I would be happy about that

2019-12-13 14:35:22 UTC  

I'm sure porn lowers our birth rates, too, @CatVanViver.

2019-12-13 14:35:56 UTC  

Needless to say, I've 8 siblings. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> Though, this was long before the wide-spread commercialization of porn and the changes of our culture over recent decades.

2019-12-13 14:37:52 UTC  

That is one of the reasons, I dislike it. Go out and get a girl/guy. Yes, I know it is easier said then done.

2019-12-13 14:38:09 UTC  


2019-12-13 14:42:47 UTC  

People shouldn't be giving their 6 y/o kids smartphones to begin with? The likelihood of it causing damage to their development is far greater than the likelihood of them ever even discovering rape porn

2019-12-13 14:48:16 UTC  

Well.... we still rather not let them discover rape porn

2019-12-13 14:50:53 UTC  

Agreed, and parents from the previous generation are highly undisciplined in this regard. Us millennials got the opportunity to see the tragedy of and catch the tail end, in our teen years, of the digital addiction, it's negative impact on families and social life, etc. This upcoming generation is entirely fucked, because it's all they know. You can talk to a 13 year old from this generation, and they don't even know how to pour a bowl of milk. The culprit? Parents are showering their children with devices at such a young age, out of which they become anti-social and don't interact with the real world, to a deficit, and we all know children learn by watching adults, a major part of their development, yet all of their parents are themselves in their own corners, scrolling through the feeds, not speaking to one another.

2019-12-13 14:51:05 UTC  

I mean, it’ll teach them more about gender roles than society at large

2019-12-13 14:51:43 UTC  

Yes, sad.

2019-12-13 14:52:20 UTC  

I'm telling you, man, if we don't fix it, I'm concerned about the idea of societal collapse. I know it sounds extreme, but it's that bad.

2019-12-13 14:52:26 UTC  

They have no clue of nature, negotiation skills and their curiosity is designed to be adjustable

2019-12-13 14:53:09 UTC  

Indeed; the consequences are innumerable.

2019-12-13 14:53:24 UTC  

So no pensions millennials

2019-12-13 14:53:27 UTC  

Electric zombies, everywhere.

2019-12-13 14:54:21 UTC  

Huh. I guess 'society' will be hard pressed to automate even quicker

2019-12-13 14:55:16 UTC  

I know it is pretty boomer to say devices to hinder children when introduced at a young age, but it is true

2019-12-13 14:55:22 UTC  

I'm not much for a fan of Disturbed, but they got it right in this song:

2019-12-13 14:58:31 UTC  


2019-12-13 15:00:24 UTC  

Luddites, Unite!

2019-12-13 15:00:27 UTC  


2019-12-13 15:01:04 UTC  


2019-12-13 15:01:05 UTC  

Dare you mention and critique the obvious, they'll say you're exactly that, no matter how true your observations.

2019-12-13 15:18:53 UTC  
2019-12-13 15:24:18 UTC  

god bless

2019-12-13 15:27:51 UTC  

Not just that but it also comes with options, protection

2019-12-13 15:28:04 UTC  

Can't be denied