Message from @Dashy
Discord ID: 653029458466308116
it really is common sense
It really is
money comes from God dont you know
god is money
Someone doesn't know how feudalism worked.
society falls apart when people stop praying to their money
yall commies or some shit?
why are you faggots foisting degenerates on *me*?
who a commie
I am the most pure and innocent soul on this here server
ya varmints
im sowwy i didnt mean to bother
@Lucienne d'Anwyl if you have timeward in the server you will invite any degens.
nice file
@Louis timeward was a founding member though
<:monkaGUN:414059542046048256> 🟥
its more like 5 now
yang is mao's great grandson
glorified foodstamp merchant
old starwars was cute
new starwars is not cute