Message from @Redxl
Discord ID: 652233749685207041
Not like there weren't other siurces
You personally
There is still plenty of cane sugar of course
Go to any store and you can buy buckets of it
@SideTracker you're assuming it's not an emo neet
Just manufacturers switched to other sources
Artificial sources
Corn isn't artificial
It does produce sugar
Nylon is an artificial product
Corn sugar is not
Zero calorie sweeteners are artificial
@SideTracker the trick is to wipe some animal fat on the lid and then get most of it off so it can't be detected but leave enough that his fingers slip
That's the best way to get into his head and provoke insecurity
Probably has tiny balls due to steroids
Ok nigga
Ok bitch
Ok nigga
Ok nigga
not this
Dude needs to buy a bigger wifebeater
I won't do this
Ok nigga
I'm pissed for the most firstworld reason ever
@livid_scrooge Fuck off livid
its painted blue cos its inviting war apparently
so I decided on a whim to make youtube rewind 2019 a reaction video for me. So I set up OBS blind and hit record... And my face is covering the number of how many hits each of the creators got.
I don’t have to do anything really
no you don't, because time takes us all
However @Telly_G 『⚡130』PC | needs to go to <#633966880671137792>