Message from @Cryosite
Discord ID: 654874764179013633
Now you're just doing it on purpose. >.> @livid_scrooge
I can't even make this shit up.
@livid_scrooge It's past your bed-time, Dotty
Doing what on purpose?
you should have been asleep 35 minutes ago!
I'm an honorary goy
Giving *them* screenshots.
My bed time is at 10, actually
if dotty is allowed to say goy are we allowed to say kike?
Why would you not be able to say kike?
They can screencap what they like it doesn't bother me
im going to say the k word
No one cares. @super-kewl
There's no k in nigger.
fun fact its actually spelt knigger
the k is silent
i am hunger
@Cryosite NI
@super-kewl here you go fren
Parliament became Democratic in 1832 when they got rid of Rotten Boroughs.
@Kealor thank u fren
i personally have removed over 1500 foreskins
is that enough for my new dick doc?
@n meowzers Why do you want 1500 foreskins?
how many orbs will israel trade you fo dat?
trumps got all that money and he only got to look at 1
Has anyone seen the vote breakdown in Barnsley central? If the tories stood down BXP would have won it
fuck looks like lore is a pedo now
thats at least a year 8
I have a bed time :3
im considering giving myself one