Message from @Riley

Discord ID: 600865358341079057

2019-07-16 01:32:20 UTC  


2019-07-16 01:32:30 UTC  

You're a lemming, we all know

2019-07-16 01:32:30 UTC  

science gay

2019-07-16 01:32:33 UTC  

and so is logic

2019-07-16 01:33:34 UTC  

I would have to be abducted by interdimensional clockwork aliens that half look like Obama

2019-07-16 01:33:51 UTC  

And even then I could just say the devil is trying to trick me

2019-07-16 01:36:10 UTC  


2019-07-16 01:39:30 UTC  

lmao idk

2019-07-16 01:39:31 UTC  

@Iahhel Yeah, it's a bit solipsistic isn't it? Really anything that anyone ever experiences can be reasoned away as "this is a figment of my imagination" or "demons are tricking me"

2019-07-16 23:06:59 UTC  

<@&588707615643795456> Daily Question ๐Ÿ”–

- Are Religion and Science at odds or are the 2 compatible? Explain.

2019-07-16 23:07:54 UTC  

Of course they are an I will explain why I think so @Deleted User

2019-07-16 23:08:24 UTC  

they are at odds

2019-07-16 23:08:24 UTC  


2019-07-16 23:08:26 UTC  

the latter

2019-07-16 23:12:44 UTC  

I think it's very specific to a lot of different cases

2019-07-16 23:13:29 UTC  

And I don't think it is necessarily a yes or no, I'd say it depends quite a lot on which religion, which doctrine, and which part of science.

2019-07-16 23:13:59 UTC  

First of all, it's a common misconception that religion is necessarily anti-scientific or that it was created agaisnt science. No, religion is the reconnection to forces, powers and laws that exceed the human capability. Anything based on this is a religion. For one it can be their nation, for others it can be science. Yes, science can be a religion. It's treated like that by scientism and Marxism. Futhermore, even religion in the form most people think of is not created against science. No, it is about a certain lifestyle and a certain interpretation of essential for our life things using a certain system. Not everything has to observe the cells. Not everything has to observe the law of Ohm. Just because something does not view the anatomy of a body, does not make it anti-scientific. Neither is science created agaisnt religion which again, is a broad thing and I gave a clear description of it.

2019-07-16 23:14:34 UTC  

So, they are compatible. The whole religion-science dilemma is artificial.

2019-07-16 23:15:14 UTC  

Very well put!

2019-07-16 23:16:59 UTC  

Can be better but thanks :)

2019-07-17 01:44:24 UTC  

@Deleted User there is nothing in the world more anti-science than religion

2019-07-17 01:45:32 UTC  

Religion is based in ignorance and there is nothing more ignorant than saying 'well idk where the Earth and stuff came from, so it must have been a God"

2019-07-17 01:46:02 UTC  

not to mention the repeated attempts made by the religious right to force intelligent design into schools

2019-07-17 01:46:41 UTC  


2019-07-17 17:22:15 UTC  

i would need god himself to literally tell me i shouldnt worship him

2019-07-17 17:22:20 UTC  

and even then i would just say

2019-07-17 17:22:25 UTC  

"begone demonic thot"

2019-07-17 17:22:47 UTC  

and then pray to god right there

2019-07-17 17:51:13 UTC  


2019-07-17 23:20:46 UTC  

@Religion Daily Question โœ
It has been argued that Christianity has been able to have such a positive effect on the growth of Western culture because of it becoming more moderate with time.

Did Christianity help shape the West because of its moderation or in spite of it? Explain why.

2019-07-17 23:22:45 UTC  

Christianity in the Protestant and Catholic sides have absoutley moderated with the times

2019-07-17 23:49:05 UTC  

@Classy this is actually a very important question which should be viewed from many perspectives and historical facts and it's important to first mention Western civilization is the Whole of Europe without Russia. I am a proud Bulgarian and even we are part of the Western culture. What made my people survive the Ottoman power was exactly Christianity and its form wasn't that different than the one in the Second Bulgarian Empire. In fact, as we are part of the Westerner civilization, this means a country of the crew is alive thanks to an honestly not so moderate form. Also, there are still Churches made by us Bulgarians that are very old and they are still part of Europe and the Western civilization. It did shape the culture of our country in times when it wasn't moderate. What about Western Europe? Well, ask the Spanish people. Believing in a religion different than catholicism was punishable until the 30's of the XXth century with death which is definitely not moderate, yet it did shape a lot of who they are and many parts of the Americas. I don't know about Portugal tho.

2019-07-17 23:49:42 UTC  

@Deleted User weren't you Ukrainian?

2019-07-17 23:50:45 UTC  


2019-07-17 23:52:27 UTC  

What is the history of Christianity in your country? @Deleted User

2019-07-18 00:38:22 UTC  

Christianity outlived its usefulness

2019-07-18 03:15:26 UTC  

lmfao addie

2019-07-18 03:15:36 UTC  

what arte u doing here, u aint right leaning

2019-07-18 03:21:49 UTC  

@Deleted User Christianity in Ukraine came when Volodymyr the great baptized the Ruthenian Principality (ะšะธั—ะฒััŒะบะฐ ะ ัƒััŒ) Christianity brought Ukrainians together as a people and had its ups and downs, Kyiv was considered the capital of Christianity in the East Slavs up until the late 1500s when the patriarch of Constantinople was bribed by the Tsar of Moscow to make Moscow the capital, which was the beginning of many Orthodox priests in Galicia, Volhynia, Podolia signing the Brest Union with Rome and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, founding the Ruthenian Uniate Church (the predecessor to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church), during the partitions of Poland, Ukraine was divided between Austria and Russia, Austria upheld the Ruthenian Catholics in its Galicia and built the programs for the rise of the modern Ukrainian-Ruthenian National identity. in Russia, the Tsarist regime did many programs to revert the population to Orthodoxy, after WW1, the rise and fall of the Ukrainian National Republic and the founding of the USSR, the Orthodox Church in Ukraine was used by the Communists to make propaganda, while in Polish-owned Galicia-Volhynia, the UGCC was banned and Greek Catholics were forced into being Roman Catholics, which the locals of Galician Ukraine fought against. in Ukraine now there are three Churches, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the UOC and UGCC are pro-Ukraine sovereighty, the ROC is pro Russian and all that, and the ROC has schismed with Constantinople over the UOC's new existence.

2019-07-18 03:23:05 UTC  

there is a quick summary, I myself follow the UGCC

Christianity indeed is good for the west