Message from @Enkrum

Discord ID: 656690617069600797

2019-12-18 02:47:41 UTC  

you can democratically organize in more than one way

2019-12-18 02:47:45 UTC  

Did you know, facts aren't democratically elected to their status as correct?

2019-12-18 02:47:48 UTC  

there are multiple kinds of democracy

2019-12-18 02:48:09 UTC  

It doesn't matter what more people think

2019-12-18 02:48:10 UTC  

gtfoh w that dumbass shit

2019-12-18 02:48:16 UTC  


2019-12-18 02:48:36 UTC  

"I don't care" and "it doesn't matter" in the same thought

2019-12-18 02:48:54 UTC  

Lol that fucked the sentence

2019-12-18 02:49:21 UTC  

Can you actually pretend that just because more people think something, that thing is true?

2019-12-18 02:49:54 UTC  

How long will that work?

2019-12-18 02:50:28 UTC  

Was the earth flat when people believed it was?

2019-12-18 02:51:23 UTC  

Would you say allowing decisions to be made based on the idea that the earth was flat would have been a good idea just because more people thought it was the correct thing to do?

2019-12-18 02:53:25 UTC  

well, we've also pretty unanimously decided that the earth is not in fact flat, but more of an oblate spheroid

2019-12-18 02:53:30 UTC  

"gtfoh w that dumbass shit" is not a valid response, remember

2019-12-18 02:53:36 UTC  

it is dumb

2019-12-18 02:53:44 UTC  

there are multiple different kinds of democracy

2019-12-18 02:53:52 UTC  

im not an advocate of direct democracy

2019-12-18 02:53:53 UTC  

Please refrain from using that in the future as an argument

2019-12-18 02:53:55 UTC  

so it was a strawman

2019-12-18 02:53:58 UTC  

fuck you

2019-12-18 02:54:03 UTC  


2019-12-18 02:54:07 UTC  

What kind of democracy do you propose then?

2019-12-18 02:54:23 UTC  

(keep in mind "fuck you" isn't a very convincing argument either)

2019-12-18 02:54:33 UTC  

Someone wants democracy? kek

2019-12-18 02:55:03 UTC  

Did he not just state he was a communist, though.

2019-12-18 02:55:05 UTC  

Can you explain a form of democracy that isn't subject to the same flaws I've already described?

2019-12-18 02:55:17 UTC  

Class is inevitable and a natural thing.

2019-12-18 02:55:25 UTC  

@Enkrum dude said he wants to make the means of production democratically controlled

2019-12-18 02:55:42 UTC  

Good luck getting anywhere beyond workplace bureaucracy.

2019-12-18 02:56:08 UTC  

representative democracy. the workplace should be organized into unions the represent the interests certain groups, who will come together to make decisions on the process of production

2019-12-18 02:56:25 UTC  

im a fan of the ideas of the socialist labor party of america and daniel de leon

2019-12-18 02:56:35 UTC  

socialist industrial unionism

2019-12-18 02:58:02 UTC  

workplace is already pretty bureaucratic but in a top-down sort of way. you might as well have a say in how its run

2019-12-18 02:58:22 UTC  

And so

2019-12-18 02:58:28 UTC  


2019-12-18 02:58:38 UTC  

Are unions immune to thinking stupid shit?

2019-12-18 02:58:53 UTC  

also @Ater Votum it isnt and ur appealing to nature which isnt always a good thing

2019-12-18 02:59:08 UTC  

no one's immune to thinking stupid shit

2019-12-18 02:59:31 UTC  

but hopefully if they do other workers would be able to shut them down thru the democratic process

2019-12-18 02:59:53 UTC  

class has been an intergral element in almost off of human culture, its arogant to think that its not apart of human nature when even animals have a caste system in place

2019-12-18 03:00:04 UTC  

What if most of the people think something stupid?