Message from @trumpshair
Discord ID: 277543888972021760
somewhere, black holes are opening
@Katon Nassau county LI
I go to college around that area
I'm just an edgy cunt with a bone to pick
Hello again
I am Chaos incarnate!
So, how can I properly consider myself AntiCom?
do you despise the antifa?
I knocked over 50 trash cans and destroyed 15 atms to get my third eye and end oppression
if yes, then congratulations
I wish I could do some work for you guys
But I live in Northern Ireland
I live in NYC but I doubt any riots would occur here
Trump Towers is here
If I can get stickers of Anticom, I'll put them up all over Belfast
you have so many easily-rabble roused coloreds
in NYC
Yeah I went to hgih school
with some of them
Im only here because I dont think an ideology believed by people that can't take care of themselves should be taken seriously
@Ulstèr-Scotch Check out the announcements section. Admin made flyers for us to spread around there.
They use google docs in the announcements. fyi to anyone if you click o nthose links while you're logged into Google whoever owns the doc can see your info
@trumpshair I'm the publisher/creater
Not a honeypot, I guarantee you.
you should use a different service