Message from @Andrew Williams
Discord ID: 339154107405434881
I think we should make a new saying besides "Mein Ehere Heißt Treue" to use on the coat of arms thing.
It's aesthetic but not normie conducive
I was thinking "maius aliquid quam ipsis" which is Latin for "something greater than themselves", or
"Supergreditur, ut vos vitae illis inferius" which is Latin for "Rise above, so that you may lift those below"
also, thread
Bumped you're thread also I'm Hoosier Shitposter.
Sounds good
good shit
@Andrew Williams yea the guys a faggot
it's kind of funny tho. always the same guy, same picture, same caption, as if on queue. never fails to get a laugh
Funny because he says northerners are cucks and posts a pic of one lol
Looks about right from graphs I have seen, wonder how much those FIB's would go up if the nogs got offed
Exactly what I was thinking. Illinois would doubtlessly be higher without the Chicago problem.
And by Chicago problem, I mean negrification as a whole.
@IdentityIndiana emailed an article to you.
Thanks man. From now on you can just post them in the draft page
Detroit anon in this thread is making me sad. Holy shit. We need to revitalize Detroit and Michigan
I can't handle the feels
Listening to Generation Zyklon ep 2 right now. I'd love to be a guest in ep. 3 if possible
With 100% less me saying nigger 😂
Can we build Germanica on the Upper Peninsula
dont know if that would be the most strategic place for a capitol so close to Canada and all
>Revitalize Detroit
Lol you're going to have to deal with a loooooot of niggers first
if a couple of you want to post to the thread would be appreciated, going a little slow.
yes pls do
Guys!!! Kurt Eichenwald was arrested!!
Serves that cuck right
what. the. fuck