Message from @spot gold

Discord ID: 537424315596144660

2019-01-23 00:06:10 UTC  

Enjoy dying alone

2019-01-23 00:06:22 UTC  

i only own a ps4 for kingdom hearts and bloodborne

2019-01-23 00:06:45 UTC  

I expect you to shut the frick up

2019-01-23 00:07:15 UTC  

I hope mortal kombat has controls i can get the hang of easily

2019-01-23 00:07:31 UTC  

already know shit fighter 5 is trash cause of the dlc

2019-01-23 00:07:58 UTC  

My New Year's resolution was to swear less.

2019-01-23 00:08:07 UTC  

It is the first time I've ever done one so I'm sticking to it.

2019-01-23 00:08:32 UTC  

if i can git gud at mortal kombat x

2019-01-23 00:08:40 UTC  

i can probably git gud at jojo heritage

Shit girl, why not just use profanity every phrase fuck

2019-01-23 00:09:09 UTC  

I'm a prude Catholic and I don't like vulgarity.

2019-01-23 00:10:06 UTC  

does it have low medium high punch and kick

2019-01-23 00:11:21 UTC

2019-01-23 00:12:21 UTC  

Howdy @spot gold . Welcome to the Nationalist Union. If you want ranks go to <#507040923884978176> and use ?ranks to see all available ranks and use ?rank enterrankname so that you can join one be sure to check out our <#507040801860091914> and <#521916756852342784>

2019-01-23 00:14:36 UTC  

controls for jojo seem to be a b c buttons for attacking and S button for the stand

2019-01-23 01:16:24 UTC  

>Catholics playing fighting games
I thought the pope issued a fatwa on contraception

2019-01-23 01:19:13 UTC  

The pope can go eat ass

2019-01-23 01:19:23 UTC  

Hes a filthy subverter

2019-01-23 01:20:26 UTC  


2019-01-23 01:20:45 UTC  

Fuck the pope

2019-01-23 01:20:59 UTC  

Next thing you degenerates are gonna tell me to get a tv rather than having a healthy brood of 12 children

2019-01-23 01:45:39 UTC  

Starting a telegram for Canadians only
Initial wide net approach, going for anyone above anime pfp tier

DM me for links.

2019-01-23 02:03:02 UTC  

im no catholic

2019-01-23 04:30:29 UTC  

Howdy @Koiv4U . Welcome to the Nationalist Union. If you want ranks go to <#507040923884978176> and use ?ranks to see all available ranks and use ?rank enterrankname so that you can join one be sure to check out our <#507040801860091914> and <#521916756852342784>

2019-01-23 04:35:30 UTC  

needs more salt

2019-01-23 04:37:14 UTC  

Is that a furry

2019-01-23 04:37:19 UTC  


2019-01-23 04:37:37 UTC  

Looks like it

2019-01-23 04:39:10 UTC  

We dodged a bullet