Message from @Max Zero
Discord ID: 538857626021396482
they were wrong consistently during the election
even to the point most media companies completely that Hilary would win, even on the day
Not trusting the polls because of one or two elections is learning the wrong lesson
you are missing the point entirely
How so?
polls are intentionally biased for purpose
not only are they intentionally biased, the selection itself is not normalized
it's there to present a certainty to convince more or demoralize the oppossition
they serve no other purpose
then, Nicholas Fuentes brought up a good point the other day
who are government workers primarily?
and, you have the tweet about not caving a day before
indicating something major changed
and, given the democracts Pelosi response of not indicating anything changed, but instead basking
it probably is something more akin to blackmail
they finally got the russian prostitute piss tape from Roger Stone
the swamp strikes back
Yeah... the problem with assesing that the pools are being forged is that there are sites that calculate average support over lots of pools. For exmaple:
@Bearer Of The Curse clearly photoshopped
No matter what you say, the media already believes it and will spin a narrative
@Bearer Of The Curse don't worry, I'll just run as a democrat. I can, thusly, do no wrong
@The Big Oof @FreshWholeMilk Hey can you pass my roles to @Athus Viri ? Im leaving every public server with this account and switching over to the new one.
Ty man
Yeah, this is a great video, I will definately need to watch this.
***JUMPS IN***
I am prepared.