Message from @Milan

Discord ID: 544953468394274818

2019-02-12 06:45:32 UTC  

With the glitched out pixels

2019-02-12 06:48:29 UTC  

That's the "Art Right" style, usually called Fashwave. There's not much to add, they just made the painting convey the same message in a stronger way.

2019-02-12 06:57:17 UTC  

I didn't make it, I found it on reddit

2019-02-12 06:57:27 UTC  


2019-02-12 06:57:33 UTC  

but I think it's been banned

2019-02-12 08:56:00 UTC  

2019-02-12 09:00:15 UTC  

@yοnα Welcome, if you want roles you can go to <#507040923884978176> and check pinned for instructions

2019-02-12 10:12:29 UTC  

2019-02-12 13:50:49 UTC  

2019-02-12 16:01:07 UTC  

2019-02-12 16:28:58 UTC  

This won’t be very long but Advancement of technology is a bad thing because at the rate artificial intelligence is going they will overcome human intelligence and that is very dangerous

2019-02-12 16:29:16 UTC  

I’m not the biggest intellectual who can make a long essay about it

2019-02-12 17:04:57 UTC  

lel fashwave

2019-02-12 17:05:14 UTC  

It's still cool-looking

2019-02-12 18:38:13 UTC  

Don't forget, if you taint a beautiful work of art with an ugly filter and draw black rectangles over it, then this work is suddenly amazing and thought-provoking.

2019-02-12 18:38:57 UTC  

Modern art is degenerate though, trust my superiour tastes.

2019-02-12 18:49:22 UTC  

modern art has lack of purpose or meaning

2019-02-12 18:49:25 UTC  

its just to tickle

2019-02-12 18:49:26 UTC  

your brain

2019-02-12 18:50:07 UTC  

its just there to extract money from aimless college students

2019-02-12 18:50:31 UTC  

art should be motivating and inspiring

2019-02-12 18:50:36 UTC  

it should have meaning behind it

2019-02-12 18:50:39 UTC  

or some kind of agenda

2019-02-12 18:51:13 UTC  

but the paintings that you see like the giant white line that sell for millions of dollars are usually fronts for money laundering schemes

2019-02-12 18:52:16 UTC  

Art should be well-made.
Just because there is an agenda behind a piece doesn't mean it isn't trash.

2019-02-12 18:52:35 UTC  

And yes, the modern art market is simply a way of investment.

2019-02-12 18:52:47 UTC  

But modern art =/= modern art market.

2019-02-12 18:59:56 UTC

2019-02-12 19:00:10 UTC

2019-02-12 19:01:13 UTC

2019-02-12 19:03:31 UTC

2019-02-12 19:04:35 UTC  

what was that @Kazimir Malevich !

2019-02-12 19:04:55 UTC  

I saw your sin, you cant hide it now!

2019-02-12 19:05:04 UTC  

Felt like 5 images in a row is a bit too much for general chat.

2019-02-12 19:05:21 UTC  

It was my anime wife, Pepina

2019-02-12 19:05:40 UTC  


2019-02-12 19:14:32 UTC  

*whispers nervously* a-are you a g-gamer girl?

2019-02-12 19:14:36 UTC  


2019-02-12 19:14:49 UTC  

*licks your feet*

2019-02-12 19:16:25 UTC  

*whips out meat scepter*

2019-02-12 19:18:23 UTC  

I'm only 52 mate.