Message from @Bee

Discord ID: 545658814381293579

2019-02-14 16:05:56 UTC  


2019-02-14 16:06:26 UTC  

>hair that looks like some ice cream flavor

2019-02-14 16:06:29 UTC  


2019-02-14 16:06:35 UTC  
2019-02-14 16:06:49 UTC  

remember, sexual revolution was a mistake

2019-02-14 16:06:49 UTC  

Degenerate self gratification = love

2019-02-14 16:07:24 UTC  


2019-02-14 16:09:14 UTC  

*stop watching anime*

2019-02-14 17:07:27 UTC  

>I am not a homosexual, I only suck my friend's digit every Saturday.
i like how you don't address the rest of my statement
>The only reason Churchill got into power was because the previous PM failed with his Hilter appeasement policy.
sure. he was still controlled by jewish financiers
>US wasn't in the war until Hilter's ally rekt them.
of course. though the US forced japan's hand so they can go to war. (((the powers that be))) in the US wanted the US to go to war.
>Hilter broke Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with USSR first.
sure, but stalin was going to attack hitler anyways, so hitler went with first blood so russia couldn't build up their defenses and cut off the oil supply etc
to think that russia wouldn't have conquested europe is foolish
@Kazimir Malevich

2019-02-14 17:10:32 UTC

2019-02-14 17:24:08 UTC  

You first asked "Why did everyone ganged up on Hilter?"
When I give you valid reasons for why this happened you go "Sure, but [irrelevant point]"

2019-02-14 17:25:15 UTC  

they aren't irrelevant at all

2019-02-14 17:26:57 UTC  

i also asked the question rhetorically but thats fine

2019-02-14 17:27:09 UTC  

The fact that Churchill was supposedly supported by the Jews does not remove the fact that UK was anything but hostile towards Hilter until he began conquering Europe.
The fact that Stalin was a threat does not remove the fact that Hilter attacked his ally, unprovoked, first, and got royally rekt.

2019-02-14 17:27:59 UTC  

You are moving the goalposts on the question of "Why did these ebil allies teamed up to destroy Saint Hilter" and I am not too happy about that.

2019-02-14 17:29:12 UTC  

You asked the question rhetorically because you foolishly thought the obvious answer will support your belief. It didn't.

2019-02-14 17:29:57 UTC  


2019-02-14 17:33:19 UTC  

how did i move the goal posts
answering with the most obvious kosher approved narrative answer is a cop out
if you gave me a better answer than cold kosher takes then i might agree with you
lol "let me post a meme simplifying a complex situation and set it up as a straw man, that'll surely own the stormfag"

2019-02-14 17:34:56 UTC  

Calling answers you disagree with "kosher" is not a substitute for a coherent argument.

2019-02-14 17:35:55 UTC  

no, i'm just saying going with the whole mustache man bad muh holocaust narrative is a cop out

2019-02-14 17:38:06 UTC  

Not even mentioned the Holocaust (save the meme, but I used it as a generalization of my points that didn't involve the Holocaust).
At the very least, ethics aside, mustache man stupid.

2019-02-14 17:39:09 UTC  

we can all agree hitler made mistakes
i think we can also all agree that the anglos and the US are evil lol

2019-02-14 17:39:53 UTC  

That is, at the very best, a silly and thoughtless way to put it.

2019-02-14 17:40:06 UTC  

At the very worst, it is disingenuous.

2019-02-14 17:40:34 UTC  

how lol
i'm talking generally, throughout history

2019-02-14 17:41:35 UTC  

I would rather not steer this discussion into ethics territory, since that is a whole another topic.

2019-02-14 17:42:47 UTC  

Do you agree that Hilter made it extremely hard for UK and USSR to be pro-Nazi or even neutral? If not, explain your reasons.

2019-02-14 17:43:15 UTC  

(We'll omit US because Pearl Harbour is stupid Japanese Emperor fault)

2019-02-14 17:50:33 UTC  


2019-02-14 17:50:35 UTC  

was unlicky

2019-02-14 17:50:51 UTC  

for the USSR, they were going to attack germany anyways, since they saw fascism as an enemy to communism and wanted to crush it
for the UK, i think they were given plenty of chances to offer the olive branch, but denied to. its very hard to make friends when the press from the US to the UK lies about you.
he could've crushed the UK forces when they were attempting to cross the bay to the UK, but i don't think hitler truly wanted war with the UK,
even Churchill himself said that "Germany's unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world's trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit."
so churchill had ulterior motives to go to war with germany

2019-02-14 17:56:20 UTC  

Germany couldn’t have crushed the British at Dunkirk lol

2019-02-14 17:56:28 UTC  

yeah, thats what i mean

2019-02-14 17:57:07 UTC  

The Wehrmacht was halted for a reason, the troops were extremely tired from constant pushing and the Germans feared that if they kept pushing they would face a British counterattack which was possible

2019-02-14 17:57:36 UTC  

There were also German attacks on the salient but because of the sacrifice of valiant French soldiers he BEF has enough time to escape

2019-02-14 17:58:17 UTC  

mabe, but even then hitler really didn't want to go to war with the UK

2019-02-14 17:58:43 UTC

2019-02-14 17:59:45 UTC  

>USSR would have attacked them anyway
The majority of historians disagree, since at the time the Soviet army was throughoutly unprepared for said attack. The majority of war preparations (excepting the Winter War and the Poland partition with germany) were of a defencive nature.