Message from @Baeravon
Discord ID: 343472830966530050
Soring batons completely illegal to my knowledge
I call the Virginia State Police and ask if Firearms was the only reciprocated weapon. I was told by the dispatcher that any weapon that you could carry in the state of Kentucky concealed carry their. I'm not sure if that's entirely correct but that's what the state police told me
Ya I wouldn't go off that.
Referring you to another state's laws is just setting yourself up to be wrong
I know. I was reading on the part about knives and other conceal weapons and it isn't very clear what they will and will not allow
And honestly if something happens they're going to push against us regardless of the circumstances
knives and guns are more legal than blunt weapons or batons, but its better to only carry what could only be perceived as a defensive tool. i figure knives would cause the police more alarm over a can of pepper spray or a rugged and abrasive shield
did we ever get any clear answer on the flagpole question
Whip them into passivity like their parent's should have
Why would you carry that around
Why don't you have a sense of humor <:spaghetti_supremacy:321790566851543041>
🤣 But actually a 3' cord makes for a good weapon. Question is, what can we get away with, without receiving assault charges?
@Baeravon if it presents the optics of merely being a weapon to attack, then it's a bad idea.
Exactly. You have a week, bros. Best spend it having four or five of your friends simulate jumping you. Go light, don't get injured before the event, and focus on blocking and pushing back in ways that don't look like assault. Focus on disengaging and getting out of the attackers' dogpile. And just be ready to take beatings while protecting vitals. You'll live, you won't get arrested, and you might even get enemies arrested.
Notice the passive aggressive way that Fellarca shoulder-pushes the fashy guy. We may need to stick to that kind of strategy.
That video made my blood boil. She's a disgusting, vile person.
Yeah, give off the "don't fuck with me" vibe, but don't pull a Felarca
Appealing to those pigs is such a stupid white trait it pisses me off so much
His first mistake was not slapping her. The second you let a strike, even a pitiful one, go unanswered, you embolden these pond scum
Personal tasers?
Why would you want to taze yourself?
@everyone If you are worried about if it is a weapon, it could be called one. It's not the weapon it's the person who wields it.
The best weapon we have is our minds and the people to our left and right. If the moment comes, violence of action and team work will win the day not any apparatus.
These are not reasoning people we're dealing with, friend.
Unless you really know what you are doing I would not rely on a stun gun.
holy fucking shit are people actually posting improvised weapons in the discord
are you fucking retarded
Violence of action is extremely important!
on what planet do you think its okay to do that
Kek jk
I knew this would get the Jewish cat lady's attention
inb4 it was just a prank bro
just fuck my shit up fam.
@everyone Just carry a pocket full of rocks. They can be in a sock or something.
Don't do that