Message from @PureDureSure
Discord ID: 344383226770620416
Well we didn't think the Yankees would need to be told to learn hallmark Southern songs to sing at a Southern event honoring Southern monuments. But hey, watcha going to do I guess.
Car rides are a good place to learn songs.
And Dixie is actually pretty easy to learn I'd say, not overly complicated.
if paddy is leading it he only does the first part anyways
or he did at the LS convention
people get lost in the heavy verse parts
@MadDimension have you guys gotten with Chuck Johnson or the new alt-right crowdfunding site to raise money for legal purposes?
I'm sorry to be /thatguy/ , but if we're talking about people learning the song at this point, I must insist with every fiber of my being that we use the WARTIME version of Dixie. The lyrics are FAR more appropriate and powerful.
Lyrics in description of that video so they can be easily printed
@lolyouwish Who is your first line leadership in the League?
Actually, even the lyrics in that description have some errors. I've corrected them here:
Southerners, hear your Country call you!
Up! Lest worse than death befall you!
To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Lo! All the beacon fires are lighted,
Let all hearts be now united!
To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Advance the flag of Dixie!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Dixie's land we take our stand,
To live or die for Dixie!
To arms! To arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie!
To arms! To arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie!
Oh, hear the Northern thunders mutter!
Northern flags in South winds flutter,
To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Send them back your fierce defiance!
Stamp upon the cursed alliance!
To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Advance the flag of Dixie!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Dixie's land we take our stand,
To live or die for Dixie!
To arms! To arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie!
To arms! To arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie!
Fear no danger! Shun no labor!
Lift up rifle, pike, and saber!
To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Shoulder press in close to shoulder,
Let the odds make each heart bolder!
To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Advance the flag of Dixie!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Dixie's land we take our stand,
To live or die for Dixie!
To arms! To arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie!
To arms! To arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie!
Well I wish I was in Dixie,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Dixie's land we take our stand,
To live or die in Dixie!
Away, away, away down south in Dixie!
Away, away, away down south in Dixie!
My blood is boiling I can't sleep
Pure adrenaline, sir. Lol
Why not the version that starts like "I wish I were in the land of cotton, old times they are not forgotten"
O shit I never realized how different the two songs are
Yes it's adrenaline. All my life I've wanted to confront the racism against white men. I've effort posted online about it for years. I started blogging for Identity Dixie this year and it's been good getting the message out. But meeting the Marxists and GODDAMN KIKES on the street is going to be good for my soul. It's time.
Despite having the same chorous
@SpencerReesh THIS WEEKEND
👌 white power
This one's too slow for use in action, but great to listen to as you prepare and plan. I've had this album for a long time (it's a cassette!), and it's great.
This song includes one of the best little verses ever written:
"There's a man in the White House with blood on his mouth;
If there's knaves in the north, there are braves in the south;
We are three thousand horses, and not one afraid - we are three thousand sabres, and not a dull blade!"
Is Bobby Horton related to Johnny Horton
Or are they the same person wtf
No idea tbh
bobby horton is from alabama..johnny horton is from california
google is tough
@MadDimension can you pin the lyrics to Dixie in another channel so people will actually learn it this time? And/or print out cards with them to hand out to people?
(They're pasted here a couple posts up)
pro tip - don't try to have people do the whole song everybody always gets lost at a certain point... went very well at the LS convention doing a condensed version
paddy tarleton was playing it
Yeah, it can be a mouthful.
@SCnazi your posts on the DS boards are probably a large part of the rash of airbnb reservations.
Here is Rochard Spencer's take on recent events. Good video.
I love hearing Spencer speak, good guy.
Well I didn't sleep well last night, may not be able to sleep tonight. Too angry that my country is complacent in becoming a 3rd world shithole and wiping its ass with the constitution where whites are concerned. Sleep deprivation just makes me hate them more.
I hear you.
I have to go visit my grandfather in a couple of hours, get packed for the move tomorrow, and try to settle a few things and I wasn't able to sleep a wink last night. Barely slept at all the night before.
It's a little late for that now