Message from @Mack Albion
Discord ID: 338073709552074754
Amongst many kikes
Kikes spread lies and its our jobs to crush them
The kikes and the lies
does anyone know any hot traps
Wow that's the equivalent of a gay sex tape right there
We got ourselves a real Chester Bennington
We will see where he sides when we take control back
It won't be difficult to figure out in due time
I'm guessing you never hung out with him off camera
I looked away and looked back and WHAM
that came out way wrong
No don't remove him dad!
I watched him get booted while he was typing lol
we all knew it was coming
saintcharles warned him like 20 times
Plenty of places to infight
This isn't one of them
I hate infighting
Always have
Charles, can you get someone to make a role for TRS lot of guys in here not part of IE or something else
>unite the right
>infight the right
It's like against my very nature
Can we have an in-fighting channel?
LOL @Nicklis - OH
It keeps happening
kinda goes against hte whole spirit of the unite shit
Autist don't know how to quit
Call it "Only_Fucking_Cucks_Talk_Here"
theres a zillion discords and forums you can post aobut that shit on
@Ignis Faatus yeah it'll happen when I get home
dailystormer role too kthx
What about SBC guys?