Message from @Melektaus

Discord ID: 342153745410424853

2017-08-02 03:50:17 UTC  


2017-08-02 03:50:20 UTC  


2017-08-02 03:50:27 UTC  


2017-08-02 03:50:30 UTC  

We are all surely blindsided by this staggering revelation

2017-08-02 03:51:02 UTC  

For the record too, you are not able to ban others just because they are total faggots? lit sense.

2017-08-02 03:51:30 UTC  


2017-08-02 03:51:33 UTC  

bye bitch

2017-08-02 03:51:35 UTC  

I know you already said that but others complained

2017-08-02 03:51:52 UTC  

listen any other alt right event that would be the case

2017-08-02 03:52:21 UTC  

unfortunately planning for this event was started WAY long ago when "unite the right" included the libertarian normies who like BASED MILO

2017-08-02 03:52:34 UTC  

no future events will be homofreindly

2017-08-02 03:52:41 UTC  

at least to my knowledge

2017-08-02 03:52:41 UTC  

Well sorry we all gave you a hard time fam.

2017-08-02 03:53:04 UTC  

The dyke was leaking information? That's hilarious

2017-08-02 03:53:11 UTC  

i know shocking right

2017-08-02 03:53:27 UTC  

I saw there was a bunch of drama on facebook about it

2017-08-02 03:53:41 UTC  


2017-08-02 03:53:55 UTC  


2017-08-02 03:54:34 UTC  

lets shut up and let mods speak @MadDimension was just typing.

2017-08-02 03:54:39 UTC  

admins even*

2017-08-02 03:56:49 UTC  

that evidence of queer collusion by leaking info must be made public

2017-08-02 03:57:23 UTC  

honestly its not that big a deal. we were very fortunate to find the leaker through investigative work

2017-08-02 03:57:50 UTC  

For intel reasoning and OPSEC they should do what they already are.

2017-08-02 03:58:31 UTC  

anyway im going to bed if there is an emergency i cant help

2017-08-02 03:58:47 UTC  

later wyatt

2017-08-02 03:59:27 UTC

2017-08-02 04:00:48 UTC  

WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!! Am I to understand that the gheys are bitchy gossips?

2017-08-02 04:00:54 UTC  

It isn't really up to us.

2017-08-02 04:35:06 UTC  

Whoa, what the fuck did she leak?

2017-08-02 05:04:38 UTC  

Its not important

2017-08-02 05:14:06 UTC  

If it was me, then can I go first on the name that trannie game?

2017-08-02 05:14:27 UTC  

lets pitch in for prizes

2017-08-02 05:15:38 UTC  

This chan kvetches 24/7, usually for fun and is funny but what is anyone getting done?

2017-08-02 05:15:50 UTC  

We are all getting wound up as event comes closer.

2017-08-02 05:29:44 UTC  

ChEcK oUt ThIs DaNk DyKe

2017-08-02 05:29:53 UTC  


2017-08-02 05:32:02 UTC  


2017-08-02 07:49:48 UTC  

@everyone Anyone else here get hyped every night as the C-ville event gets closer? I'd take going to this rally ANY day over going to the Bahama's. Nothing can replace the feeling you get at a White Nationalist rally. That feeling of brotherhood and communion is so far beyond anything else that I know.

2017-08-02 08:24:57 UTC  

@Jacob Freeman Hail victory friend

2017-08-02 09:17:54 UTC  


2017-08-02 09:18:08 UTC  

tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado tornado