Message from @Americana - MD
Discord ID: 333349898865082369
I doubt the Va cops will stand down in the face of violent rioters too
Do we know yet if the Charlottesville police are going to be enforcing a no mask rule?
Should be
-at our thing next month
That seemed to be the game changer in Auburn
How do I get an invite link for the Yankee pool party group on iOS?
Today's events prove exactly why I've told people to stop antagonizing the alt-light.
"Let's antagonize the only people who would be defending us against a mob"
We need a big tent for this event
Especially since this rally is supposed to be a call to end the infighting
@MadDimension Seems like we would be best served by leading by example. Kekifaggy kids will see men in solidarity with each other and hopefully think what they're involved in is juvenile
@MadDimension I don't need some alt lite faggots to protect me
That's why I legally own fire arms 👌🏻
The infighting has to stop now
No one is going to be shooting anyone. You need enough people to win a street fight should it come to that
@Americana - MD In MD... okay.
@swoligarch >implying shitty state laws removed my second amendment entirely..?
@MadDimension but see no one wants to start a street fight with someone they know is armed
Si vis pacem, para bellum
@MadDimension@Americana - MD idk. I grew up in Rockville but if you found a workaround that doesn't land you in prison, good on you
I saw quite a few people with mask today.
@swoligarch I really don't know what you're implying.. I could literally drive 5 minutes and go buy another AR if I wanted to...
@Americana - MD I remember it being pretty restricted when I lived there. Are you in a rural county? D.C. Suburbs are pozzed af
Balt. County.
@Americana - MD I haven't settled on wether I will CC at the thing and avoid conflict or leave it in the truck and bang out some Antifa
If you don't carry and you legally can CC you're an idiot
Yeah, maybe
I guess it comes down to threat assessment
Like, how likely am I to die at this thing
I don't see antifa being suicidal enough to pop a round off
Me either... yet
So I lean more towards getting a few ko's
Like I've said, they're dumb, but not stupid. If they opened fire on this rally, it would 've nationwide open season.
I don't think this timeline has gotten that serious yet
Has anyone died at G20?
@swoligarch you also don't expect to get robbed on the way to the store but you should carry there too if possible..?