Message from @johnhimself
Discord ID: 334229570465300481
Sean mosley
Is that Erika on the left?
Goyim, Twitter no longer allows #1488 as a hashtag. Press F
> See a bunch of people in chat, think oh cool I will hop in after I eat
> Finish eating, aaaaand nope
r u a grill
lol i wish
@ManWithTheHand please tell me where you got that
@johnhimself got what
Why are you posting a pic of me and my wife???
Do you retards really think I'm a race mixer lol?
Did you really think that was erika?
@ManWithTheHand that Rockwell swastika thing
My neighbor lived in the apartments next to the barracks when he was a kid. One day Rockwell gave it to him.
He kept it all these years
I found a website in which this person is selling Rockwell memorabilia but it's nearly $200 a piece. Fuck. @ManWithTheHand
Dam, I got some other historical nsdap stuff. Got it pretty cheap on craigslist. @johnhimself
I bought an original stormtrooper magazine for less than $20 off some guy on stormfront. I need more haha. @ManWithTheHand
That's pretty good, I'm always checking CL and ebay for stuff. I'll let you know if I come across any. @johnhimself
Appreciate that man. I found a copy of Stormtrooper recently on the NSM website I might snag.
Some on ebay now @johnhimself
Hell yes! I'll check it out. I also have a vintage Rockwell photo I'll show you tomorrow.
A year ago I would've laughed if someone told me Fox news would be talking about the superiority of the West, while denigrating the SPLC
Here's the segment that was before that one:
Faux News is still controlled opposition. That said, it's a good indicator of how we are collectively dragging the discourse in our direction when the mainstream has to pick up our talking points even watered down.
Fox news may be cont opp but Tucker sure as hell isn't
I strongly consider Tucker /our guy/. He more or less got that black supremacist nigger fired from her teaching job for spewing BLM bullshit.
He's as close as we have. Which is an improvement, let's not pretend he's exactly one of us.
I'd say he's probably somewhere around Proud Boys powerlevel right now. Hopefully he continues moving further right. I better see you guys at unite the right .... And Detroit... Yes you read right ... Detroit ... More info on wolfmans activism and entertainment
Tucker is perpetually living in the mid 1980s
And that's great