Message from @Thomas West (Hapa Spy)
Discord ID: 345304743251410955
But genuinely you should already know when it is.
I tried searching for the term
Figured id just ask
L2 discord
@Lawrence - TX no one has thought of that at all. We should get some people to start planning some of this
Forgive my lack of agency
It's something they'd announce probably..
@Tyrone didn't know if we knew about the road blocks beforehand, my bad man
I strongly do not reccomend IE placing banners outside of the shield wall nor people posted on the corners of the park unles they have a death wish
For real. Stick with the group. We're going to be big enough without resorting to tricks and putting people in harms way to make us look bigger.
Has anyone made security plans? I heard there might be people who don't want us there.
Idk, that's a good idea
We should have some guys like, help keep people safe
@Lawrence - TX lol It sounded like "hey is anyone made any plans?
we haven't had a security volunteer voice in like a week
unless I missed it somehow.
@Gavius Corvus that's a good idea?
@Tyrone maybe. I'm not sure tbh
@Tyrone sorry for the confusion. Just didn't know if the roadblocks had changed our initial plans. I've got a group of around 30, trying to figure out if we can walk in or if we'll have to get to the shuttles
They know we aren't going to no fucking McIntire park
according to the map how do we get there?
dont let these pictures make you assume anything
we dont know yet
they could wall off the park
Yeah. that sounds more like what is going to happen.
Lemme hop the fence real quick
Let's bring ladders
@Lawrence - TX pay attention to the shuttle channel for info
Fuck, you think they will in fact wall the whole park off so nobody can enter?
Absolutely they would
We'll see.
Thanks @Tyrone
Unfortunately not I work weekends. Will have to settle for helping monitor the opposition and trying to capture hvts faces
ahh lame. was going to say we should meet up at some point. me and couple other locals are going but only saturday.