Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 588045045534556168
Role assigned!
Role assigned!
Role assigned!
~~~Hey lads, a cuckservative here~~~ role assigned!
Role assigned!
Role assigned!
Role assigned!
@Mankn II Can you remove fascist and nationalsocialist from my roles?
i got you
Thank you
😦 still not vetted
Role assigned!
!remove nationalist
❌ **You have to be in a voice channel to use this command.**
!remove nationalist
❌ **I am not connected to a voice channel**, Use the summon command to get me in one
👍 **Joined** `General` :page_facing_up: **And bound to** `auto-roles`
!remove nationalist
❌ **Nothing playing in this server**
Role assigned!
✅ **Check <> for a list of commands**
!removeRank nationalist