Message from @Caligula

Discord ID: 646856204206866448

2019-11-20 02:21:30 UTC  

@Puppet Master Fascism isn't just dictatorship

2019-11-20 02:21:39 UTC  

You could have a Fascist monarchy

2019-11-20 02:26:09 UTC  

~~if your taste is shit~~

2019-11-20 02:38:33 UTC  

monarchy more like shut the fuck up boomer

2019-11-20 02:40:01 UTC  


2019-11-20 02:40:13 UTC  

reactionaries are just traditionalist boomers

2019-11-20 03:18:16 UTC  

Reactionaries ? More like target practise <:emoji_33:583987505112547329>

2019-11-20 03:21:08 UTC  

Right to rule must come via the struggle of life, not given to someone by birth.

2019-11-20 03:21:51 UTC  

A fascist monarchy is just bullshit. These are 2 completely different, incompatible ideologies.

2019-11-20 03:22:30 UTC  

I was born in 2000 and I'm a reactionary. From what I've seen, it's usually people around the ages of late teens to 20s/30s that are most likely to be reactionaries.

2019-11-20 03:24:36 UTC  

Why be a reactionary when you can be a revolutionary

2019-11-20 03:25:14 UTC  


2019-11-20 03:30:19 UTC  


2019-11-20 03:30:28 UTC  


2019-11-20 03:31:36 UTC  

The old order was unjust, it was a system of lords and serfs, a system based on family name and not individual sacrifice towards the greater good of the civilization.

2019-11-20 03:32:39 UTC  


2019-11-20 03:32:50 UTC  

Meritocracy is best

2019-11-20 04:10:04 UTC  

lmao fuck yo reactionary boomer bs

2019-11-20 04:10:13 UTC  

we're here for that revolutionary nationalist socialism

2019-11-20 06:39:01 UTC  

We need a fair hierarchy

2019-11-20 23:35:37 UTC  

there is no such thing as fair in large systems like superstates

2019-11-20 23:35:48 UTC  

that is unattainable

2019-11-20 23:47:21 UTC  

Lmao boomers aren't reactionary

2019-11-20 23:57:29 UTC  

reactionaries are the boomers to the third position

2019-11-20 23:57:37 UTC  

it's an analogy, poopoo head

2019-11-21 00:31:45 UTC  

yeah retard

2019-11-23 17:05:16 UTC  

Well done @Puppet Master, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-11-26 02:51:28 UTC  

evolution is false and possibly the most destructive idea to society. fossils can just as easily be made by a global flood as they could be made by the current nonsense they claim they are made by. (dinosaur falls in swamp somehow gets covered in mud lots of pressure ect) there is also no evidence evolution can happen and it has never been observed or tested.I know many will argue on this point but let me continue.
the whole idea that gender does not exist and is a social construct can not exist without the theory of evolution. the idea that morality itself is relative is a product of evolution. many of the ideas the sjw left has are based on evolution. one of if not the most corrupting idea in society.

2019-11-26 03:10:17 UTC  

.....those are results of modernism, not evolution as a whole.

2019-11-26 03:10:34 UTC  

Evolution has been shown through darwin's studies

2019-11-26 03:10:48 UTC  

Find better ways to explain the machinations of god and his wonderful handiwork

2019-11-26 03:10:57 UTC  

only something as brilliant as evolution could've been designed by Him

2019-11-26 03:11:44 UTC  

This is your daily reminder that creationism is crackpot bullshit with nothing but "YEAH, BUT IS IT **ACTUALLY** THAT WAY" to back up its thoughts

2019-11-26 03:12:08 UTC  

bruh shut the fuck up (((Creationist)))

2019-11-26 03:12:12 UTC  


2019-11-26 03:12:38 UTC  

Also, how the fuck did evolution lead to moral relativism

2019-11-26 03:12:46 UTC  

you're just pulling shit out your ass

2019-11-26 03:27:07 UTC  

never even mentioned creationsim

2019-11-26 03:27:12 UTC  

nice try though

2019-11-26 03:27:37 UTC  

if everything evolved from a slime then morality itself is something that also evolved.