Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 622572450843983893

2019-09-14 23:16:53 UTC  

The pope called a crusade on bosnia for following the wrong type of christianity

2019-09-14 23:17:01 UTC  

@Alba I said wars not persecution, the pagans persecuted Christians too so whats your point

2019-09-14 23:17:13 UTC  

The Bosnian king wanted to defend Christian Europe against the Ottomans, asked the Pope for help, but he refused because they weren't Catholics

2019-09-14 23:17:18 UTC  

this is still going

2019-09-14 23:17:19 UTC  

Its allways the Christians fault aint it

2019-09-14 23:17:21 UTC  


2019-09-14 23:17:29 UTC  

@Kalash You know what

2019-09-14 23:17:31 UTC  


2019-09-14 23:17:35 UTC  

You just made an amazing point

2019-09-14 23:17:40 UTC  

Most popes were imbeciles

2019-09-14 23:17:41 UTC  

I have talking about this shit for ours

2019-09-14 23:17:52 UTC  

Also all of them were heretics

2019-09-14 23:17:52 UTC  

>inb4 the server is yeeted by lanius

2019-09-14 23:18:06 UTC  

fuck it Im off to play some video game

2019-09-14 23:18:11 UTC  

have fun lad

2019-09-14 23:18:21 UTC  

sometiems this server is lit

2019-09-14 23:18:22 UTC  

Well done @tela, you just advanced to level 17!

2019-09-14 23:18:26 UTC  

and sometimes this server is AIDs

2019-09-14 23:18:52 UTC  

That’s how life works

2019-09-14 23:19:36 UTC  

if anyone wants to read my points they are up above, since most pagans just like to throw insults instead of having a proper conversation I couldnt be bothered

2019-09-14 23:20:39 UTC  

@Traveler >but he refused because they weren't Catholics
The pope refused cause he was a Serb, and Vatican is ever plotting against the Serb

2019-09-14 23:20:39 UTC  

Well done @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-09-14 23:20:51 UTC  

Just dont be stupid to the point of claiming that Christians are always the aggressor while spending half of your time insulting Christianity

2019-09-14 23:20:56 UTC  

The Bosnian king wasn't a Serb

2019-09-14 23:20:58 UTC  


2019-09-14 23:21:34 UTC  

>crown of nemanjici
>not serb

2019-09-14 23:23:15 UTC  

If Christianity had not been as agressive and persecutorial as Islam when it started getting power, it wouldn't have moved out of palestine

2019-09-14 23:25:42 UTC  

@Alba Christianity didnt move out, it was forced to move out by the Muslim invaders

2019-09-14 23:33:32 UTC  

Whats up gang

2019-09-14 23:33:56 UTC  

Whats the schtick on this server, whats the groove

2019-09-14 23:34:05 UTC  

What are you about

2019-09-14 23:34:10 UTC  

We hate jews

2019-09-14 23:34:22 UTC  

Thats wild

2019-09-14 23:34:25 UTC  

Anything else

2019-09-14 23:34:37 UTC  

we hate niggers too

2019-09-14 23:34:55 UTC  

~~We are federal agents~~

2019-09-14 23:35:06 UTC  

Thats cool, me too

2019-09-14 23:35:29 UTC  

What else is up in this clubhouse

2019-09-14 23:35:40 UTC  

we hate fortnite dances.

2019-09-14 23:35:47 UTC  

a man destroyed the server with one

2019-09-14 23:35:54 UTC  

Allright awesome