Discord ID: 625687241779576832
There's no 100% indo european
In fact fallout has violent mormons
The best kind
stalker is best game
took these pics on friday while I was discussing it with a friend on DMs
evening or something
Comfy chariot.
as it was dark when I took the pic with the lights on
it's daylight now obviously
You can not love this man
Just look at him
but they are real marble and handmade
Its glorious
@ΕΘΝΙΚH ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗ at least they do not look like Dildos the way Floki did with his
Ooooh I realised what you meant with dildos
wtf would any pagang make dildos unless they're a faggot
Tldr nihil thought statues of gods albeit definetly poorly made looked like dildos
@Pelkių monstras his statues really look like Dildos
The ancients had dildos
No surprise
Wooden and stone ones
yeah he just shits on the form he made them
We have them nowadays, no shock that we had them in the past
no but the ones I bought were made by an actual local sculptor
in monastiraki
and handmade
I openly said they looked like Dildos
"Hey Floki, nice Dildos!"
cost me 9 euros per statue/marble figure
reduced from 18
Retarded insult. Cross can be used as a dildo aswell.
I mean
so totally worth it
christians shittalking poorly made statues yet they shiver in fear when you mention their anal beads
they're all reduced by half this season
A gun can be used as a dildo
due to tourists probs
I didnt shittalk the statues