Discord ID: 625290875949547522
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video is a collection of quotes from Miguel Serrano's "NOS book of resurrection"
bantus are like a subrace of niggers
aren't zulus a part of that subrace?
more like an ethnicity
zulus are a bantu tribe are they not?
they look like bantus
for example gypsies like yourself look a bit different from other kinds of niggers and are the worst subrace of them
sounds like gypsy to me
they are
look at them
look at a mirror
this one does
do you like my fork fork fork
my diamond fork fork fork
you cannot afford ford ford
@Kunnis cope
"wider than you mohamad"
no that's an average christlarper
usually an american orthodox because protestantism is too jewish and because catholics molest kids
anyone got that pic of legion of saint ambrose where the fat guy is holding his phone like a fag?
you worship two sticks nailed together
"it's le symbol"
no you worship two sticks tied together
meanwhile real niggas be flying in vrilcraft
well christkikes started this
they got mad when I called them a gypsy
which is true
yea probably
they can't handle the banter because they know it's true so they divert it
it's like when you call greeks gay and they call you a nordcuck when you aren't even a nord
you do tho
@Deleted User stop coping
who even is this floki?
you seem obsessed over him
did you fork him?
christians aren't much better
they wear anal beans
@Cะฒััะพะณะพั do u
dm the guess
I know u know
cuz ur jidf
define siegefag
wiccans are christian tbh
@Cะฒััะพะณะพั btw rumors say you found yourself a khazar christian gf
what's asatru
doesn't sound bad
in what way?
the overly edgy way? @Pelkiลณ monstras
@Cะฒััะพะณะพั where the fuck's the bulbas lebowski?
where' the are the bulbas? @Cะฒััะพะณะพั
@Cะฒััะพะณะพั thoust farmeth my fields I taketh half the harest
it didn't
I still am
they are connected in a sense because they share the same natural order that they teach people. some religions teach this order better and some worse
@Deleted User yet you claim they were part germanic
stalker is best game
christians shittalking poorly made statues yet they shiver in fear when you mention their anal beads
@Deleted User that's not that bad of a carving. the hat is autistic tho
it's similar in the meaning of the myths for the most part
no gods actually have an exact equivalent in aryan religion
westerners joining orthodoxes is kinda cringe
might as well just follow truth from that point and just see where it gets you @Mankn II
start reading up on religions
read more
Imagine sticking your dick in it before it explodes
politics are cringe
69th position
69th possition is intermarinist ecofascist ted-kazinskyism
with esoteric hitlerist characteristics
eurasianism is retarded
we are the 69th position from now on
intermarinist ecofascism with esoteric hitlerist and baltic pagan characteristics
this is the truth
the question is were we troy or the greeks in that war?
also atlantis was the amber castle
meds are stealing myths
finns are an experiment by balts to create an artificial language and field test it
@Taddesse hello nigger
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