Message from @Madison

Discord ID: 341723910712328192

2017-07-31 23:15:31 UTC  

@MadDimension could you comment on this and clear things up

2017-07-31 23:19:04 UTC  

No Swastika?

2017-07-31 23:23:09 UTC  

Some of ya'll are a tough crowd man, relax and wait for more details.

2017-07-31 23:23:18 UTC  

I'm going to wear my armband no matter what

2017-07-31 23:23:35 UTC  

I have GLR on my side

2017-07-31 23:24:11 UTC  

You just want your protection to work extra don't you 😜 @Herrenvolk - MD

2017-07-31 23:26:00 UTC  

We were asked not bring swasis but there is no real way of stopping this either @Herrenvolk - MD .

2017-07-31 23:26:26 UTC  

Also my flag

2017-07-31 23:26:40 UTC  

As Much as I love Hitler and the Swastika they are still too triggering to normies

2017-07-31 23:26:43 UTC  

And my full SS uniform

2017-07-31 23:26:53 UTC  


2017-07-31 23:27:06 UTC  

I'm just going to dress as Hitlr

2017-07-31 23:27:06 UTC  

People are seriously worked up over $12 bucks? If $12 is that big of an economic hurdle to, you should unironically stay home and sort your life out instead of trekking to political rallies and trying to change the world.

2017-07-31 23:27:09 UTC  

Just don't bring face masks or ICP status makeup

2017-07-31 23:27:34 UTC  

So Mr. Liqz can't come?

2017-07-31 23:27:40 UTC  

That's it, I'm out

2017-07-31 23:27:49 UTC  

I just lol so hard ^^^

2017-07-31 23:27:56 UTC  

Yea $12 should be less than a hour of work for the majority of people... Shit I over pay my fellow Fashy Goys out of love

2017-07-31 23:28:14 UTC  

$12 is fine...across a lot of goys that adds up to serious booze and chow shekels

2017-07-31 23:28:46 UTC  

I make $12 in about 5 minutes

2017-07-31 23:28:49 UTC  

Lotta sensitive girls in here whining about a few bucks. I don't even drink and I don't mind paying a dozen shekels for a space to hang out and throw a friendly wave to my friend Kyle.

2017-07-31 23:29:15 UTC  

How Tall was Kyle again?

2017-07-31 23:29:27 UTC  

Got an extra SS hat?

2017-07-31 23:31:06 UTC  

Last I saw he was about yea high...

2017-07-31 23:31:11 UTC  

People act like Jason should just come out of pocket and provide us with a secure private venue to relax and party. While simultaneously second-guessing and complaining about every decision he makes. As though he's a professional alt-right rally organizer instead of doing this for the first time ever. "I tagged you on Discord, and you didn't respond to me immediately! This is a disaster and not serious, yet I'm going to stay in here for multiple hours a day critiquing every thing instead of organizing my own perfect events."

2017-07-31 23:31:29 UTC

2017-07-31 23:31:52 UTC  

Venues and supplies cost money

$12 is quite reasonable

2017-07-31 23:31:58 UTC  

@Wade Garrett Amen, brother.

2017-07-31 23:32:00 UTC  

There were tickets to the after party of the first rally. Those were 60 bucks a pop.
Last I checked, reserving a venue cost money...
Or is this just another excuse to shit on Kessler, the man who is more or less responsible for this rally as well as the previous one... 🤔

2017-07-31 23:32:06 UTC  

^^ cheap af

2017-07-31 23:32:16 UTC  

@Wade Garrett 100%, getting pretty sick of people being ungrateful.

2017-07-31 23:32:26 UTC  

Wen even NSM removes the swastika you know something is changing trying to attract more people

2017-07-31 23:32:30 UTC  

Cheaper than the cover at some concert halls and there's probably drunk tickets

2017-07-31 23:32:34 UTC  


2017-07-31 23:33:01 UTC  

Lol that fucking name

2017-07-31 23:33:04 UTC  


2017-07-31 23:33:19 UTC  


2017-07-31 23:36:37 UTC  

Everyone is not willing to admit what they are mad about.

2017-07-31 23:36:41 UTC  

@HueTheHand simply removing the swastika isn't enough, if you want to attract people, you gotta lead by example and be the Übermenschen, be the role models that your community looks to.

2017-07-31 23:36:57 UTC  

I was gonna make fun of the hosts by calling 'em jews for charging us for the party, but the people *complaining* about having to pay $12 have taken this to a whole new level of kike

2017-07-31 23:37:17 UTC  
