Message from @Joshu

Discord ID: 639083727841918979

2019-10-30 12:48:02 UTC  

Also "most X scientists believe Y" =/= "Y is thoroughly and quite unshakably proven"

2019-10-30 12:48:06 UTC  

Only hippies believing the far left are saying about an extinction

2019-10-30 12:48:41 UTC  

> Only hippies believing the far left are saying about an extinction

2019-10-30 12:48:58 UTC  

Yet the same hippies are doing everything they can to guarantee it gets worse

2019-10-30 12:49:04 UTC  

Scientists reportedly admitted to getting their diplomas from cereal boxes, news at 11.

2019-10-30 12:49:19 UTC  

Most scientists may just believe Y because the science still has a long way to go and Y is just their best guess.

2019-10-30 12:49:22 UTC  

not a proven fact

2019-10-30 12:49:25 UTC  

Guardian seems pretty far left to me

2019-10-30 12:49:30 UTC  

But in seriousness

2019-10-30 12:49:34 UTC  

The guardian is reporting on fact..

2019-10-30 12:49:35 UTC  

Guardian is just a communist propaganda rag at this point

2019-10-30 12:49:38 UTC  

they also said NY would be deep underwater by 1989

2019-10-30 12:49:46 UTC  

This isn't the opinion section, this is the news section

2019-10-30 12:49:58 UTC  

that was from a UN report

2019-10-30 12:50:03 UTC  

I will read that but thats quite the problem with science, different people get different results we can’t just believe every scientist or else we’ll have conflicting opinions

2019-10-30 12:50:04 UTC  


2019-10-30 12:50:07 UTC  


2019-10-30 12:50:28 UTC  

You can't protect and rebuild habitat while you're building over it because you've allowed open border immigration

2019-10-30 12:50:34 UTC  

You don't have to disagree that global warming is real to disagree on the rediculous timescales

2019-10-30 12:50:48 UTC  

That have been claimed over the last few decades

2019-10-30 12:50:48 UTC  

Scientists also say everyday that trans people aren't actually biologically the gender they believe themselves to be, where's the report from the guardian on that one?

2019-10-30 12:50:56 UTC  

With most turning out to be wrong.

2019-10-30 12:51:07 UTC  

Global warming = real

2019-10-30 12:51:11 UTC  

Scientists also point out the gender wage gap is a myth, but guardian still reports it as fact

2019-10-30 12:51:14 UTC  

Timescale = most likely BS

2019-10-30 12:51:45 UTC  

Scientists also say that immigrant pee makes tap water taste like explosives, where's the guardian article about that?

2019-10-30 12:52:38 UTC  

The warming is pretty well documented. What isn't certain is the causes and their significance. Which in turn means that our prediction ability is very poor.

2019-10-30 12:52:46 UTC  

Anyway see ya in general now

2019-10-30 12:52:49 UTC  

If you actually took that seriously, you're genuinely fucking retarded, Nathan.

2019-10-30 12:52:59 UTC  

> Currently, there is a strong scientific consensus that the Earth is warming and that this warming is mainly caused by human activities.

2019-10-30 12:53:03 UTC  


2019-10-30 12:53:08 UTC  

that's so fucking vague

2019-10-30 12:53:14 UTC  

The models are garbage because they grotesquely exagerate the forcing effect

2019-10-30 12:53:18 UTC  

>Doesn't understand the scientific community

2019-10-30 12:53:18 UTC  

how many?

2019-10-30 12:53:23 UTC  


2019-10-30 12:53:27 UTC  

Isn’t it funny these same journalists moaning about climate change drive on the motorway to work every morning in there car

2019-10-30 12:53:28 UTC  

> Nearly all publishing climate scientists (97–98%[1]) support the consensus on anthropogenic climate change,[2][3] and the remaining 3% of contrarian studies either cannot be replicated or contain errors.