Message from @wacka

Discord ID: 639454552407408640

2019-10-31 13:03:40 UTC  

He'd have to put utter cancer in the rest of the manifesto to fuck it

2019-10-31 13:04:24 UTC  


2019-10-31 13:04:36 UTC  

I still wonder if he's going to be trapped by his 'great deal'.
If he scraps it in order to renegotiate. It would look like he's climbing down and reversing the Brexit process. Also admitting that his deal isn't so great

2019-10-31 13:04:36 UTC  

That's about what I expect tbh

2019-10-31 13:07:41 UTC  

He shouldn't scrap it, he should just put no deal firmly on the table, and try to tweak it maybe

2019-10-31 13:13:29 UTC  

Personally I think he should, while running on the argument that the only reason such a deal was made possible was because of the remainers in parliament, and allowing a tory majority would allow him to get a better deal and further strengthen his hand.

2019-10-31 13:13:37 UTC  

But we'll see. It's going to be interesting either way.

2019-10-31 13:16:06 UTC  

I dont know if people can stand longer renegotiation at this point... I think if he should said, we're going to have the deal which the UK and EU agreed... and brexit is done

2019-10-31 13:16:16 UTC  

(baring the trade deal etc)

2019-10-31 13:20:16 UTC  

So in that case we could be out days after the election

2019-10-31 13:20:58 UTC  

as soon as parliament is back up and running... and the queens said ok to the gov forming

2019-10-31 13:21:12 UTC  

so maybe early jan

2019-10-31 13:21:19 UTC  

Oh right yeah

2019-10-31 13:22:04 UTC  

It's going to be interesting. I really don't want NI to be kinda split off from the rest of the UK at all. As much as I rag on @Great Britain, I don't dislike the Irish at all.

2019-10-31 13:22:13 UTC  

Well, maybe the republic, but they're just fags

2019-10-31 13:22:47 UTC  

Ok thanks

2019-10-31 13:22:50 UTC  

well theres no split on services...

2019-10-31 13:23:13 UTC  

and where there is a split ... where they have to align with EU regs is on like ... less than 1% of goods

2019-10-31 13:23:43 UTC  

everything else is just business as usual

2019-10-31 13:24:05 UTC  

in fact... from the NI point of view... everything will be business as usual...

2019-10-31 13:24:35 UTC  

unless the UK decides to increase its regs above the EUs

2019-10-31 13:24:59 UTC  

Heck, Boris saying he'd consider a bridge from NI to Scotland a while ago would be a genuinely great thing. It would connect our nations even further and help unite us more.

2019-10-31 13:25:15 UTC  

That sounds awesome

2019-10-31 13:25:38 UTC  

yeah I thought it would be neat... from a building huge things point of view... but practically theres nothing wrong with ferries

2019-10-31 13:25:44 UTC  

Obviously, it's a bit of a pipe dream, but one I'd love to see as a reality

2019-10-31 13:26:18 UTC  

Taking a road trip into NI without needing a ferry would be neat tbh

2019-10-31 13:26:34 UTC  

what was the last big thing we built? millenium dome? or the eye? ... we aint built anything massive in a while

2019-10-31 13:26:41 UTC  

Bojo should do it just to prove to Corbyn he can build bridges instead of a wall.

2019-10-31 13:26:53 UTC  

HS2 if it ever gets done

2019-10-31 13:26:57 UTC  

need to build somethin thats just massive... and has basically no point 😛 just to show that we can

2019-10-31 13:27:37 UTC  

like a massive british bulldog or something

2019-10-31 13:27:44 UTC  

Could you count one of the big London skyscrapers?

2019-10-31 13:27:53 UTC  

One of the recent ones

2019-10-31 13:28:07 UTC  

with a giant union flag cape

2019-10-31 13:30:08 UTC  

Can you imagine the boom in civil engineering that would bring to the UK too?

2019-10-31 13:30:24 UTC  

Man, it would be awesome for such a thing to be built. It's unlikely, but still

2019-10-31 13:30:34 UTC  

It would put us back on the map for such things, I think

2019-10-31 13:30:45 UTC  

They should build something useful at least

2019-10-31 13:31:11 UTC  

it has to be purposefully not usful

2019-10-31 13:31:15 UTC  

A bridge connecting NI to Scotland is useful tbh