Message from @wacka

Discord ID: 640977077327364136

2019-11-04 18:00:20 UTC  

the right to enter the market and be unhindered by big corps also must be protected

2019-11-04 18:00:24 UTC  

a monopoly controlling the market isn't a free market, its why we regulate against monopolies

2019-11-04 18:00:31 UTC  

why is that hard to understand?

2019-11-04 18:02:37 UTC  

Okay so you're using a different definiton of a free market, gotcha

2019-11-04 18:02:50 UTC  

Im using "the" definition

2019-11-04 18:03:30 UTC  

What you're really talking about, is a mixed economy. Which is a good thing

2019-11-04 18:03:33 UTC  


2019-11-04 18:03:50 UTC  

no Im talking about a free market

2019-11-04 18:04:09 UTC  

where anyone can set up a company .. and freely trade without hindrence

2019-11-04 18:04:40 UTC  

from other companies

2019-11-04 18:05:01 UTC  

other than fair competition where (and this is the important bit) the consumer decides

2019-11-04 18:08:39 UTC  

Boomerism is the superior state of being

2019-11-04 18:09:51 UTC  

So if we follow that definition, there are no free markets anywhere. @wacka

2019-11-04 18:10:04 UTC  

*I wonder why that could be?*

2019-11-04 18:10:17 UTC  

probably because of corporatism

2019-11-04 18:10:31 UTC  

it's a movement now @Dubdogelmo ?

2019-11-04 18:10:34 UTC  


2019-11-04 18:10:48 UTC  

Neo-Boomers rise up

2019-11-04 18:10:58 UTC  

Can any generation become Boomers?

2019-11-04 18:11:52 UTC  

Yes Boomerism isn't an age, its a state of mind

2019-11-04 18:14:04 UTC  

its a compliment really...

2019-11-04 18:14:31 UTC  

people can only dream of having all their mortgage paid off... ready for retirement

2019-11-04 18:21:15 UTC  

People who hate boomers genuinely are just jealous

2019-11-04 18:26:02 UTC  


2019-11-04 18:29:01 UTC  

a pure free market

2019-11-04 18:29:10 UTC  

is not a good thing

2019-11-04 18:29:20 UTC  

Simply because the companies care more about profits

2019-11-04 18:29:23 UTC  

than they do about well being

2019-11-04 18:36:01 UTC  

Well that's new

2019-11-04 18:40:33 UTC  

tbh can we just reunite Ireland at this point

2019-11-04 18:40:49 UTC  

If that's what they want then sure

2019-11-04 18:41:15 UTC  

If we get brexit we probably will get reunification

2019-11-04 18:41:29 UTC  

Reunite it under the crown

2019-11-04 18:41:34 UTC  

the optimum solution for all

2019-11-04 18:46:42 UTC  

``The latest survey in Northern Ireland asked voters for their preference “in the event of a referendum on whether or not Northern Ireland should remain part of the United Kingdom”.
A total of 45 per cent told the Lord Ashcroft poll they would vote to stay in the UK and 46 per cent said they would choose to leave and join the Republic.
This equates to a lead of 51 per cent to 49 per cent for unification if “don’t knows” and those who say they would not vote are excluded.``

2019-11-04 18:47:08 UTC  

@Dubdogelmo this is what i keep arguing

2019-11-04 18:47:19 UTC  

But honestly i don't want them