Message from @Mikey

Discord ID: 642295217462181898

2019-11-08 08:50:25 UTC  

I've heard sconstant autism over him and his party being anti-semitic, but never the actual evidence of what they've actually been alleged to have done.

2019-11-08 08:51:09 UTC  

Yeah neither have I really. I haven't paid that close attention to it so I thought it was just me

2019-11-08 08:51:21 UTC  

I've tried looking at newspapers and websites, and found nothing

2019-11-08 08:51:39 UTC  

I put it someone on par with the Tories Islamaphobia claim

2019-11-08 08:51:43 UTC  

Only claims that they're anti-semitic, to the point I think it's a case of people having heard it so much have started to believe it.

2019-11-08 08:52:07 UTC  

Thats how politics/media works now unfortunately

2019-11-08 08:52:37 UTC  

An accusation seems to hold as much weight as an actual instance of it happening

2019-11-08 08:59:47 UTC  

When even Jack thinks PEP is blinded and hysterical, you know he's completely off his rocker. <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2019-11-08 09:04:25 UTC  

Corbyn has constantly courted Hamas and gives sucor to extremist Islam and anti-Jewish sentiment in his party - that's the source of the claims of anti-semitism

2019-11-08 09:04:36 UTC  

Corbyn himself doesn't go around demanding to gas the Jews

2019-11-08 09:07:24 UTC  

Ah right, yeah, I guess that's it

2019-11-08 09:11:19 UTC  

So in terms of leadership (allowing it in his party) he is guilty, and in terms of supporting people who are openly anti-semitic (Hamas) he is guilty. Even if he himself may not be anti-semitic

2019-11-08 09:11:34 UTC  

The claims are exagerated, but not without substance

2019-11-08 09:27:26 UTC  

How am I off my rocker

2019-11-08 09:27:41 UTC  

For pointing out facts about the tories misleading shit

2019-11-08 09:27:51 UTC  

And Eccles there are different extremes

2019-11-08 09:28:00 UTC  

It’s not as simple as you’d like it to be

2019-11-08 09:28:09 UTC  

And you never call out the tories anyway

2019-11-08 09:28:19 UTC  

So you should probably listen to your own point

2019-11-08 09:30:59 UTC  

Do you disavow the Libdems for being incredibly misleading with their current election campaign, @PureEvilPie?

2019-11-08 09:31:53 UTC  

Do you disavow Joe Swinson for being an avid supporter of austerity?

2019-11-08 09:33:11 UTC  

Two things you are definitely against.

2019-11-08 09:36:31 UTC  

Also, I don't call anyone out, probably because I am well aware that even the party I supported has done the same. Its genuinely part and parcel of the political world. Not saying its right, just saying if you're going to froth at the mouth when it comes to the Tories misleading nonsense and yet you don't with Libdems, sounds like you're deliberately ignoring it.

2019-11-08 09:38:37 UTC  

Well I’m not frothing at the mouth

2019-11-08 09:38:55 UTC  

I’m saying you can’t just compare different extremes as the same

2019-11-08 09:39:03 UTC  

It’s like comparing a serial killer with Stalin

2019-11-08 09:39:44 UTC  

Link me where the Lib Dem’s have edited interview footage of the tories

2019-11-08 09:39:55 UTC  

Or where they have been done by the independent watch dog

2019-11-08 09:40:41 UTC  

And I already said I don’t like Jo’s position on austerity, no party fits me perfectly... the Lib Dem’s just are the closest. It’s not that hard to understand

2019-11-08 09:40:48 UTC  

I never said they were perfect

2019-11-08 09:41:26 UTC  

Oh the calling out btw, I was referring to Eccles on that

2019-11-08 09:54:48 UTC  

Basically: It's not as bad, so it's a none issue

2019-11-08 09:56:06 UTC  

And it shouldn't matter what kind of political manipulation takes place, its both as bad as each other as it'll be manipulating the voters. Yet you seem to not think that one is as bad as the other for whatever reason.

2019-11-08 09:56:52 UTC  

Well, there are different levels of manipulation

2019-11-08 09:57:00 UTC  

Just as with political violence. It shouldn't matter which is worse, what should matter is its stomped out entirely.

2019-11-08 09:57:02 UTC  

One includes illegal acts

2019-11-08 09:57:07 UTC  

Which is what the tories are doing

2019-11-08 09:57:10 UTC  


2019-11-08 09:57:15 UTC  

Yea it does matter mikey

2019-11-08 09:57:24 UTC  

If one side does it a lot a worse than the other

2019-11-08 09:57:33 UTC  

You need to learn where to focus your efforts