Message from @REAL.livid.scrooge..
Discord ID: 639735967984517129
>the fake
defametion lawsuit incoming
I know this sama
Yeah just rubbing it in that I didn't fall for it
The Goyim know @REAL.livid.scrooge..
>implying it aint obvious
good job sherlock
@Traps for Trump (Morepie) Conceptual heaven being perpetually in the presence of God & in worship.. why not both?
Yeah maybe after you changed your name to add fake
But you where fooling that other goy
@Laucivol I just want to be happy
commando did it
i m the real one tbh
You're about as fake as the real livid
Yeah, heaven itself isn't that clearly drawn out though.
You can tell if someone's had their name changed by seeing if they have 2 different names on their profile.
angry dotty is my alt account
The name with the #0001 after it is their name.
His doesn't have that
Both names are the same
Well not since he added fake
But they where
You should really charge your phone. XD
I will in the morning
good mornyan everynyan! today i do bad. i am bad. bad.
Sure whatever
i m gonna poz your little neghole too @Cybel
Ban the real livid tbh