Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 639746343920861195

2019-11-01 08:33:19 UTC  

Yeah, as said, statute of limitations.

2019-11-01 08:33:55 UTC  

Actually, as I skimmed that article (reading at first) I found myself growing sick to my stomach.

2019-11-01 08:34:11 UTC  

The conservatives are right to chase stability all this exists (the modern iteration of the left) because of emotional instability

2019-11-01 08:34:29 UTC  

Can we have that in english, Nathan?

2019-11-01 08:34:29 UTC  

Normal mentally stable people don't become radicals

2019-11-01 08:34:58 UTC  

Conservatives aren't chasing stability

2019-11-01 08:35:26 UTC  

Not anymore and this is more of a American thing

2019-11-01 08:35:55 UTC  

Probably linked to the religious aspect of America maybe?

2019-11-01 08:37:04 UTC  


2019-11-01 08:37:54 UTC  

You get what I mean though right, the types that talk about the family unit and such

2019-11-01 08:39:12 UTC  

America has a 'religious aspect?'

2019-11-01 08:39:30 UTC  

More then Europe for sure

2019-11-01 08:40:16 UTC  

I wouldn't say America has a religious aspect as much as America acknowledges the influence of beleif and strives to keep this seperate from the influence of the State

2019-11-01 08:40:48 UTC  


2019-11-01 08:40:51 UTC  

Europe throws there into the same pot. Hence their tendency to give too much influence to the state

2019-11-01 08:41:14 UTC  

Well I did say maybe and my position has moved more to it just being traditionalism that I was talking about

2019-11-01 08:41:43 UTC  


2019-11-01 08:42:18 UTC  

If not for originally acknowledging that ideologies will inevitably try to use the State to legislate morality, everything would be FAR worse

2019-11-01 08:42:58 UTC  

Remember: the 'diversity' which Europe is now struggling with is a mere fraction of the 'diversity' the US has ALWAYS had to deal with

2019-11-01 08:43:24 UTC  

yet, i'd say the US has fewer issues with the State destroying civil liberties

2019-11-01 08:43:34 UTC  

we can't get arrested for tweeting

2019-11-01 08:44:10 UTC  

The Founding fathers where woke on the ethical state for sure

2019-11-01 08:44:37 UTC  

not perfect mind you, but at least they saw the danger

2019-11-01 08:45:07 UTC  

I don't think they could have created something too much better

2019-11-01 08:45:36 UTC  

me neither; hindsight is 20/20

2019-11-01 08:45:44 UTC  

A lot of dangers are coming from things that you just couldn't have imagined ie social media which offers massive protentional for political mobilisation

2019-11-01 08:45:55 UTC  

Whereas before you'd have to physically organise people

2019-11-01 08:46:08 UTC  

and no matter how good the playbook, still comes down to the willness and ability of the people running the plays

2019-11-01 08:46:14 UTC  

Time as well

2019-11-01 08:46:30 UTC  

Give anyone enough time and they'll figure out how to subvert anything

2019-11-01 08:46:40 UTC  

Nanometre by nanometre if they have to

2019-11-01 08:46:41 UTC  

The one thing your ancestors were dead wrong about was freeing the slaves

2019-11-01 08:46:50 UTC  

truth; life isn't as simple as a rule book

2019-11-01 08:46:55 UTC  


2019-11-01 08:47:13 UTC  

newsflash: UK freed FAR more slaves than the US

2019-11-01 08:47:24 UTC  

Slavery is a bane upon a society since it devaluates the labour of the working class and it should have been ended

2019-11-01 08:47:33 UTC  

our biggest mistake was allowing Lincoln

2019-11-01 08:47:53 UTC  

But freeing them and letting them remain in 'murica was a major mistake, one you're still paying the price for

2019-11-01 08:48:06 UTC  

he subverted the power of the States and forced the South to stay with the UNION

2019-11-01 08:48:14 UTC  

Slaves should have either been executed or exported back to the shithole they came from

2019-11-01 08:48:25 UTC  

if the South is allowed to secede, you don't have the racial issues