Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 640189731258368020

2019-11-02 13:47:36 UTC  

eastern boys felt a duty to tend after their parents

2019-11-02 13:48:13 UTC  

lead to alot of extremism as it always does when there are alot of males with very few females in a particular area

2019-11-02 13:49:23 UTC  

I wouldn't be suprised if those in the East felt very betrayed by their own government

2019-11-02 13:49:49 UTC  

However, they ALSO know how to keep their mouths shut and not to express every opinion openly

2019-11-02 13:51:20 UTC  

# Bring Back The Wall To Stop Socialism

2019-11-02 13:55:45 UTC  
2019-11-02 13:59:17 UTC  

the socialist parties are more popular in the east tho

2019-11-02 13:59:19 UTC  

In one breathe they say that the effects of cosmic radiation are very difficult to quanitfy and in the next breathe they say that ionizing radiation is the biggest problem. Ah, not so much.

2019-11-02 13:59:37 UTC  

of course they are; they have boomers too

2019-11-02 13:59:41 UTC  

die linke consistently takes all of east berlin iirc

2019-11-02 13:59:47 UTC  

they haven't benefited from capitalism

2019-11-02 13:59:50 UTC  

i covered that

2019-11-02 14:01:18 UTC  
2019-11-02 14:01:27 UTC  

this is hilarious.

2019-11-02 14:01:29 UTC  

Is it me, or are twitch thots getting worse?

2019-11-02 14:03:05 UTC  

so, nasa quotes the SAME STUDIES to support the subtle brain damage which is predicted to occur with a trip to mars as those people concerned with 5g deployment

2019-11-02 14:03:07 UTC  


2019-11-02 14:04:34 UTC  

"Such low level radiation over a prolonged period has the effect on the parts of the brain dealing with memory, attention and reason. It has the effect of dumming you down.."

2019-11-02 14:04:42 UTC  


2019-11-02 14:04:59 UTC  

Smart people at nasa stay on earth, the idiots are send into space

2019-11-02 14:05:26 UTC  


2019-11-02 14:09:15 UTC  

Can't wait for 5G to come, idiots will put their phones in their pockets, and fry their own nuts.

2019-11-02 14:18:10 UTC  

<:powerful:595334910764515338> <:FeelTheBarn:591276979844808734>

2019-11-02 14:18:31 UTC  

Ill be fighting for Hong Kong...will you?

2019-11-02 14:24:25 UTC  

16 is legal in sweden ^^

2019-11-02 14:24:37 UTC  

@Vander Loonéy Ah Japan, home of the desperate and degenerate

2019-11-02 14:25:28 UTC  

Both the men and the women are super lonely yet adopt lifestyles that do absolutely nothing to resolve that

2019-11-02 14:25:51 UTC  

Too much of the west is that way also

2019-11-02 14:26:15 UTC  

Enrich Japan again

2019-11-02 14:27:05 UTC  

>slutty greta thunberg

2019-11-02 14:27:06 UTC  


2019-11-02 14:27:10 UTC  

1st bomb gave us anime, 2nd bomb gave us hentai, but the 3rd, who knows what that will bring

2019-11-02 14:27:28 UTC  

catgirls <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

2019-11-02 14:27:47 UTC  

The third will flip it back around

2019-11-02 14:28:38 UTC  

third times the charm

2019-11-02 14:29:34 UTC

2019-11-02 14:31:09 UTC  

Honestly all that bitch needs is to be forced to move her ass more

2019-11-02 14:32:09 UTC  

Resetting the system will put people in that desperate position again, where you'll have to actually walk longer distances to get food and water, those who can't adapt will die off quickly enough

2019-11-02 14:32:49 UTC  

community will have to be focused on again