Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 640214984626012170

2019-11-02 15:42:29 UTC  

Just wait

2019-11-02 15:42:35 UTC  

They will besmirch everything

2019-11-02 15:43:06 UTC  

Hell Mentor Luke in the EU was broken op

2019-11-02 15:43:18 UTC  

Honestly I kind of wanted D&D to have their trilogy, would've discredited them and Disney's Star Wars further.
Kind of agree with Vee on the idea that D&D were offered the chance to resign instead of be fired.
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck But why was that blast blue? Stun maybe? I thought thermal detonators had a red/orange/yellow (fiery) explosion.

2019-11-02 15:43:23 UTC  
2019-11-02 15:43:36 UTC  

he's basically Jedi God at one point

2019-11-02 15:43:59 UTC  

hang on @King Canuck is here. give me a minute i just need to laugh at the leaf nigger

2019-11-02 15:44:08 UTC  

still gets his ass kicked by Abeloth, though

2019-11-02 15:44:12 UTC  

which I find pretty funny

2019-11-02 15:44:33 UTC  

HAHAHAHAHAHA fucking leaf negro

2019-11-02 15:44:39 UTC  


2019-11-02 15:44:50 UTC  

@King Canuck guess its time to firebomb Dresden again <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

2019-11-02 15:44:56 UTC  


2019-11-02 15:44:57 UTC  

Canadians are the swedes of north America

2019-11-02 15:45:09 UTC  

As in nobody hates us? Lmao

2019-11-02 15:45:13 UTC  

@SideTracker And let the Muslims continue to rape? Nah, don't firebomb it JUST yet

2019-11-02 15:45:19 UTC  

@King Canuck As in your govt is full of cucks

2019-11-02 15:45:29 UTC  


2019-11-02 15:45:46 UTC  

The worst thing about Canada, is that it's filled with canadians.

2019-11-02 15:45:46 UTC  

wait until the "Nazis" deal with the rape-gangs

2019-11-02 15:45:51 UTC  

and THEN firebomb it

2019-11-02 15:45:56 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck but Abeloth is basically Star Wars Cthulu so what do you expect

2019-11-02 15:46:26 UTC  


2019-11-02 15:46:32 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck how bout we firebomb them both and cut out the middle man

2019-11-02 15:46:42 UTC

2019-11-02 15:46:48 UTC  

@SideTracker shiiiit, sounds good

2019-11-02 15:47:17 UTC  


2019-11-02 15:47:36 UTC  

>inb4 the niggardly jannies yeet that image

2019-11-02 15:47:38 UTC  

Tentacles fingers and a shark mouth

2019-11-02 15:47:40 UTC  

You think Abeloth sucks good peepee with that mouth ??

2019-11-02 15:47:46 UTC  

No way

2019-11-02 15:47:56 UTC  

She would shred cock

2019-11-02 15:47:58 UTC  

Dunno, y'think Mileena does?

2019-11-02 15:48:06 UTC  

she IS a shapeshifter TBF

2019-11-02 15:48:14 UTC  

Mileena has a rockin body too

2019-11-02 15:48:25 UTC  

Nice waifu, fam

2019-11-02 15:48:28 UTC

2019-11-02 15:48:32 UTC  

What you got against Tarkatan mouths? You racist

2019-11-02 15:48:39 UTC  

Yuck I

2019-11-02 15:48:44 UTC  

I'm not a racist, I'm a speciesist