Message from @Goldstein Riots
Discord ID: 342097700646289409
sorry for being retarded @Herrenvolk - MD
It was mostly kendells fault tbh
Holy shit there are negroes afoot
Bueno mis amigos
i don't speak hebrew
On a serious note. I have a friend who is an attorney and wants a breakdown of the JQ. Would any of you be interested in helping me red pill her?
She's not looking for an argument, she's really just interested in raw information.
Just tell her to read culture of critique then.
_her_ read culture of critique?
No offense to women, some are very intelligent
I know, women shouldn't know how to read
But usually that is not a very red pilling book for them.
No, it's not like that.
I liked it, but I get what you're saying
My GF fell for David Dukes books rather it's much more easier for normies to read.
@Athena Marie I doubt that is the first book you read though lol.
Just concerning normie girls.
She's at our level with everything BUT JQ. She just wants info so she doesn't jump in blindly
She probably is.
Yeah, then culture of c prob better.
my bad.
oh hai @Hand Banana
Working in law while being redpilled on JQ must be fucking terrible
You have to work with these people
I like how you flatter them by calling em people
They are rats
^^just Nazi things? Hahaha
I cannot comment
I am not affiliated nor have I ever been affiliated with any such groups
So @Ignis Faatus were you really going to rape @Hand Banana ?
@Herrenvolk - MD They're trying to block corporate and institutional divestment from (((Our Greatest Alley))), not criminalize individual protest, but the fact that they're even considering this is big.
I fucking hate this country. The Shoah today fucking made me angery
I want to take it back.