Message from @Fevs
Discord ID: 345576882697142272
Sheboons are better than traps
Your battery shall become a holy relic
The entire Alt-Right could have been Indians, Blacks, and Mandarins with their own pictures
That would have been fun
As long as they aren't Dykes and traps
Gook might alt night
I'm in SC too
Msg mane
>.> tfw car broke
Car machine
Hey is there anyone in line for the bus rn?
Why so many broken cars?
Because bad battery
Luckily. Big enough group, 2 cars
What a bigot, right?
I smell a thunderstorm in fevs' vicinity
Papa pence looms
Hey guys my crew had car trouble and won't be in till later I'm in c'ville now so if anybody got a place for me to chill for a few hours Itd be awesome otherwise I'm hoofing it downtown.
I'm confused. I thought that since @wyatt was using a woman avatar he was coming out as a trap.
This is a safe place. You can share your true self with us
no its literally an attractive woman
We love you for who you are
why you think that makes me a trap
its beyond understanding
I'm confused
I'm black
I need chicken
Guys I'm coming out of the closet as a Chad
No longer will I live in shame of my Chad identity
@Mack Albion Fevs said the same thing
You can't hold us back anymore! #ChadNationalism
@Mack Albion We'll be chads together